A man shouts "heil hitler" and does this in a street in your city

>a man shouts "heil hitler" and does this in a street in your city

what happens?

Attached: heil.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

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everyone stares at him for a second then move on

everyone stares at him for 2 seconds then move on

all of the drumpftards stop and do the same

some niggers and women walks up to him and starts to civilised talk about racism and fascism

Everyone stares at him for 3 seconds and then moves on and murmur about Drumpf

depends on area so I'll break it down for you:
scoffed/yelled at and scolded by people
blank and confused stares from chinks
ominous screeching all around and period stained underwear thrown
race war begins with muslims backing you
>the shire
a few nods and a drunken man falling over
gang rushed by british tourists

Depends is it some redneck village like lapua or big city like tampere

Everyone beats him up because he hailed shitler instead of Mussolini

>the shire
Wtf i tought hobbits were from new zealand

Everybody cheers

fat lesbians and male feminists try to tell him off

He'd get looked at as a weirdo, perhaps laughed at by some and insulted by others.

no hobbits here

>most of the country
nothing happens
>near club frequented by russians on a friday or saturday night
>public transport
someone might try to pick a fight with you

Spotted the Jow Forumstards.

some people laugh
some people join in
some people jump up and down with sweaty foreheads

Half of monkeys will not understand and the other half will not care.

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everyone joins in

People would just scoff at them and move on.

People look at him like, "WTF?"
Maybe some SJW tells at him (depends on the area).

no one will give a shit, now if you insult islam or mohamed that's a different story

I knew you were always nazis you silly germans. You just gather all subhumans to germany so its easier to put them to camps when 4th reich rises. Right??

Is Hitler liked in islamic countries?

There were two in my area at one point
The other one was fat and had a combat helmet on
Don’t know if they knew about one another

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is that Vermin Supreme?


He gets elected to the state house

I don’t believe so
He’s known as the Hamilton Nazi

Someone would flip them off

people laugh at the indio skinhead

Polite educated fellows, dressed like pic rel, come up to you to physically explain why nazism is not cool. While the crowd gathers to watch your lack of enjoyment of such explanation, no one bothers to call an ambulance or the police. Not because they agree with reaction to your gesture, but because Poles are too afraid to step out of the crowd.

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Whered you get this pic of my halloween costume

Yeah. Actually, most of my professors who taught me humanities subjects (minus french/english) seemed to like him a lot lmao. I guess he went to war against imperialistic nations, and people (boomers especially) from MENA generally don't like ameriga and 'western imperialism'
Also the jews thing

Nothing. Don't do it around Once tho, it's full of kikes.

t. Ossi

Can they do it around Twice?

Young people might find it funny old soviet babushkas might grumble a little but in general no one would pay attention at all.

Everyone will stare at him but some people will get it and say based and others will laugh.

i did it once lmao. but in the park. immediately some police arrested me, they thought i'm a suicidal t*rrorist :/


>and say based

Either ignored or gets slapped

unironically based and redpilled


That's illegal in Israel.

Probably ganged up by settlers*

I can assure you I've seen edgy 14yo Russians do this.

Settlers aren't in Israel, dumbass.

Everyone might laugh their asses off. A guy did while dressing as Hitler in a party.

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Hi pewdiepie

>edgy 14yrs old russians
Why am i not surprised
Russian teens are the worst kind on earth t b h

What happens if I shout 'Vive Pinochet'?

Seems like a top lad but what the fuck is that accent?

Then where ?

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Yeah the settlers are in Palestinian land.

In the occupied territories

>race war begins with muslims backing you

aka israel

>everyone stares at him for 4 seconds then surrender


casual scenario: people look at you as a cringy freak and mind their walk
worst scenario: you'll get bitten


Got to be honest that would look funny

Attached: KEKEKEKEKEK.jpg (720x720, 36K)


Everyone would cringe

1. Go home and write a blog post about how Bonald Blumpf normalized this on slate.com
2. Toothless hicks join him because "muh freedom to hate people".

This was a posh cafe in my neighborhood. Big hit with the hookah addicts too

Attached: hitlerscross.jpg (320x239, 33K)


Ironically indian Muslims supported British Empire because they supported the Ottoman Empire

boomers will beat you
millennials will unironically approve
zoomers will ironically dab back

First he gets beaten up by civillians
Then he gets arrested
He can't even sue the ones who beat him up because he did something even worse

Probably gets beat up by albanokeababs


to add, there's literally 2 swastikas on my commie block

>''heil hitler''

meil halla-aho

People would stare at him and if there's some commissar he might tell him to fuck off but that's it.

Netouyo be like we honoru Aryans wirr forrow the eternal arry Hitler, zeigu heiru

so, a win win situation?
Both are free to do just that if they want. And you're free to not take part in it, I don't see the issue.

people don't care, couple schoolchildren start laughing at him.

People around will probably think that he's nuts or that he is a self-hater.

i doubt some people will even know what you are saying here

gets strange looks by passerbys

wew what a cunning plan

instead of invading other countries and subsequently getting spanked by the eternal anglo, this time they made the untermenschen come to them

rather insidious tbqhwy

Actual Canadians will probably just stare, shake their head, mutter something and move on.
Foreigners LARPing as Canadians might beat you up IDK.

>you're going to the slammer sunshine
>our overlords don't like your kind 'ere!

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people will stare and disapprove
>lesser cities
same as Dublin to a lesser degree
>counties without cities
livestock will salute back, ancestors will approve
>occupied territories
british and young irish will approve, middle aged irish disapprove and old irish approve

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People think that is funny or nobody give a fuck.

Basically this, no one would assume you were being serious.