
Tá éadóchas orm! Chuir Baile Átha Cliath éadóchas orm!

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An bhuil cead agam dul go dti an leathras

Éir is a fucking joke of a phone network, they fucking blocked me because I hadn't given them my shekels recently enough. Bunch of cunts.

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Níl. Suigh síos.

Switched to 3 from Eir for the unlimited 4g, but 3 are a bunch of porn-blocking cunts and their coverage is ass.
Bypassed the porn filter by changing the APN, but the fact that they want photo ID on their retarded opt out censorship makes me regret signing up.

Eagrán maith.

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Why do you need porn over mobile data? I'd imagine if you're wanking then it'd be in your bedroom where there's Wi-Fi. One thing I did notice with 3 is that they just blocked certain Jow Forums boards instead of the whole website, including /jp/ for some reason

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I don't get this meme.

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Cuimhnigí ar Luimneach agus feall na Sasanaigh

Britannia delenda est

What's the Irish for Cheetos?

I could do with a slav gf desu

I could do with any gf desu

Could do with a prod gf desu

I could do with becoming the gf desu

Comfy Munster Leinster provincial derby kino on now

Speaking of that, does anyone have the image of the stairs where at the start it's >tfw no gf
and by the end it's >becoming the gf


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>Sleeping with the enemy

I like it
You gay bastard!

/brit/ tier posts desu

Got a stream? Please!

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But rugby sucks ass

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Have any good video games come out recently?

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It's a manly sport for real men

Isn't Nippon hosting the RWC next year?

Yes, just thinking of all the Celtic pussy being conquered by Yamato bulls makes me joyous

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Yes, my straight friend, I too enjoy rolling around and fondling each other with my straight friends, and sticking my head in between their legs, because that's what good friends do. :)

Isn't it the other way round?

>Yamato bulls

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Of course you would make it gay, you're a morally degenerate pervert

Yes, I'm a faggot because I keep my head away from other men's crotches.

>Osclaím /éire/
>feicim Béarla a labhairt
Samhnasach go hiomlán

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I dont know what you're talking about. Rugby players get all the girls, it's an alpha Chad sport.

Then why do they have to resort to rape?

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The judge said they were innocent, so stop this meme

Are you a bull? Asking for a friend.

He's a shitposting weeb

Weebs can't be bulls?

>type in amazon.ie
>it redirects to amazon.co.uk

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They are mutually exclusive, yes

>not boycotting Amazon because of this
Where's your national pride?

I am only a moderate conservative according to this test, however if I spoke openly about my political beliefs in Ireland today I would probably be considered far right.

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Battery could do with a bit of a charge.

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Annoyed how poorly Total War games hold up in hindsight. Tried Napoleon and Empire and wow, the UI, graphics, and general handling qualities are so much poorer than the modern standard, and even more awkward for the time than I remember.

And when the hourglass has run out, the hourglass of temporality, when the noise of secular life has grown silent and its restless or ineffectual activism has come to an end, when everything around you is still, as it is in eternity, then eternity asks you and every individual in these millions and millions about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.

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Medieval 2 is still pretty gud

What manga is that?

The silent majority lad

They're shite ones desu. They only good ones are Medieval 2 and the original Rome one. The rest are fucking shocking.

That didn't exactly work out for us in the abortion referendum.

Yeah, but the closest you can get to 18th/19th century combat outside of Shogun.
The fact they've made their games LESS mod-friendly is also atrocious. Medieval 2 had great mods, but every mod since has had to work within harder limits than existed in that game.

I know, but when it comes to immigration.

Don't count on it.
If they'd kill their children why would they turn away a source of money and sex?

Immigration is a source of sex?

Yes, immigrants want babbies here for easier citizenship


Now that I think of it most escorts are foreigners, disgusting

You haven't been in Dublin's northside lately, have you?

>tfw no irish gf

>A President for ALL Citizens
But I didn't see any blacks in this video, Liadh?

I'm your Irish gf :)

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>A President for ALL Citizens
*A President for ALL Shinners

Thanks. Is it any good?

Im your portuguese bf :3
There's quite a lot of Irish pubs in Algarve. We could go there

Give me the basic gestalt on this woman. I've been seeing nothing but posters for her and Michael D.

So, Irish, where is your language? (c) Habib

I swear, this Dagestani motherfucker stole my favourite Jow Forums-ish banter.

How this "c" here must be read? Like "k"?
It is called the same in my native tongue.


>"Ireland under pressure to give votes to citizens abroad"
Got to recapture those leftie votes abroad somehow. This way they won't have to come home to vote on issues that don't affect them.

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>How this "c" here must be read? Like "k"?
Yes. "kyark" would be the phonetical spelling of the word in English.

Even more than just adding a greater number of men relative to women, there's all sorts of social and cultural factors that give "white" women more social power. "White" fetishism makes the "nonwhite" immigrants value your average hoor more highly than she would be by the Irish or other Europeans (which is already more than they deserve).
And because these false refugees tend to be less restricted by laws in their behaviours, this in combination with the "send bob and vegana pls" pushiness gives them a stereotype of "manliness" that the schizophrenic culture punishes citizens for much more harshly than unacculturated literally whos who are shovelled in by the tens of thousands without concern for their negative impact on society.
It's why you see shit like Muslim rape gangs getting police support in the UK but the lightest touch of a rape accusation against a white celebrity will destroy them.

Same thing if the sex ratio of immigrants was reversed desu. Third world women salivating for an Irish or even just "white" male would send the women into a frothing frenzy.

Controlled opposition to the controlled victor candidate.

I hate diaspora fags, theyre so arrogant and think the people who stay are beneath them, an uppity shower

We really saw the worst of them in that regard in the news coverage of the emigrants returning home for the abortion referendum to tell us all how we should live our lives.

IRish-IRon unity confirmed.

So I guess I should support McGregor instead of my Caucasian neighbor in the upcoming fight.

Most of us want the McGregor meme to end to be honest.

I want him to lose
hate it when lads start saying
>you'll do fucking nothin
it really butters my toast

Which language is that?

I thought Russians hate muslims

I want the same for Habib.
Because this guy is a literal bandit. Few weeks ago he tried to arrange an attack on Russian pop singer Egor Kreed who wanted to perform a concert in Dagestan because of rumors of his supposed "homosexuality" and called everyone who disagreed with him "cockers" (it means fag in Russian prison slang). I'm not SJW, but that shit was disgusting.

Ossetian. "Kark" means "chicken" in our language.

Russians don't hate Muslims, Russians dislike Caucasus, especially Dagestan. Nobody minds Tatars, Bashkir and other civilized muslims here.

Could you link to its page on Wiktionary? Is it etymologically from the same roots?

Haven't been to the Algarve since I was a young girl(male). Uncle has a big fancy villa out there. we c-could do lewd things there...

I'm afraid this exact language is not presented on Wiktionary and other English-language dictionaries that well, but yes, it has the same Indo-European roots.

Attached: Kark.jpg (799x650, 296K)

Thanks. Is the underlined part a reference to Irish?

Tell me more of this Ossetian land friendo

Yep, that list shows the cognates of the word, and among them is the Irish.

>watch a video with an *nglish narrator
>he keeps pronouncing "ah" as "aww"

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Thanks, cool stuff.
Is Ossetian under threat from other languages or is it safe?

In what context?

>Kavanaugh made it into the Supreme Court
Will the media stop obsessing about it now or is this just the beginning?

They've accomplished something despite the apparent failure. Now normies and loonie lefties will act like the US supreme court is invalid because "a rapist" is on the court.

Y-yeah we could

wtf I'm rooting for khabibi now, DELETING my conor folder

Hot take: Ireland 2040 will revive the Irish language and improve rural Ireland significantly all the investment and effort it does will make Ireland have it's own unique identity rather than just being a smaller england where everything beyond the most west brit capital is failing. But expand the Ghaeltacht and have fluent Irish speakers under 50 for the first time in a long time.

>Ireland 2040 will revive the Irish language

poo nigger

Scalding take: Ireland 2040 is an initiative to make Ireland more like Britain than ever, will destroy Irish identity and be not only the final nail but the very framing of the coffin of the Irish language, and will make knackers more violent as they mistake people calling them knackers for people calling them niggers, which half of them will be.