Damn life is hard here in first world!

>damn life is hard here in first world!
>my NEETbux is not enough to buy a new Lamborghini! Jeez, I have to settle for a BMW, what a shitty life!
>damn those are taxes?! Our government is literally Hitler! What would I do with those 10000$ I earn every month? I wanted to buy a new mansion next month!
>also I suffer because no 10/10 cute gf dammmmm I have to settle for those uggo 8/10 whores! I want a qt Eastern European totally not a gold digger gf!
>also I am depressed, have ANXIETY, Bipolar and also I identify as a humanoid fox! I’m OPRESSED DAILY because of that!
>I suffer in first world!
Why are f*rsties so insufferable?

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>implying russia isnt first world

Ofc it isn’t. What the heck is your flag?

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Now that I think about it,most 1st world countries I've visited have alot more beautiful girls than the poorer countries I've been to,what gives?

I didn't get my Tesla this month. Oh well. Maybe next month.

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Even the more homely girls are at least 7/10s wtf

Same reason rich girls are prettier than poor ones

i don't know man, Argentine women look preddy good to me. I always assumed it was the italian influence. any way if you want to see some truly ugly girls to a Walmart in Alabama.

sugoi dekai

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you mentally ill?
tell me your story.

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Why is there so many recycle posters on Jow Forums. Is everyone just trying to be board famous?

Correct. Paz Lenchantin is still a cutie

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Don't rain on the only parade in this guy's life.

*looks at flag*
You’re not the one to talk
I’m just telling people the truth, f*rst worlders cant suffer no matter what

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Not our fault we are born superior.

It's another 'I'm a loser' thread

in my experience it's the other way around, the poorer girls need to dig gold harder so they spend more effort on appearance

you have a pretty warped view on first world.
virtually no one earns $10000 monthly here, probably many 1st world posters earn less than 2000$ here.

You can’t compare Russian gold diggers to other gold diggers. Russian girls are in a whole mother level with that shit. They’re like the special forces of gold diggers.

Prettttttry sure he was using hyperbole to get the point across

im thinking about ex yugo areas, you can see the difference immediately and it lines up with poverty

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Daily reminder that if you dont have blve eyes youre an animal

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the price is cheaper there, deal with it.

materialism and post-materisalism
if you have finance stability and securty, you realice at one point that its all meaningless and survive just to survive to let some off your offsprings see the universe kill itself in heathdeath is depressing

not proportionally cheaper: only food and maybe apartment prices at best. You firsties come to countries like ours and immidiately gain rich-status with your janitor job, that's the annoying part.

>money is everything you can't be depressed if you have money

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and not only that they also suffer from 23455626 psycologic mental sickness.

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Life is hard without friends, gf and work. So it doesn't matter where are you, if you don't have these things you perhaps suffer

detroit isn't first world OP

I think sexpat should be illegalized.
it's very humiliating to the country.

America isn't f*rst world at all

Rare flag omg

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Post more /jp/ stuff

Technology is not

Didn't necessarily mean that and don't care about sexpat desu, girl's fault for being dumb.

Because peace and safety breeds decadence.
It's not like a secret or something. It's the cyclical nature of societies, but there may not be enough for the next one.

Do the blue eyes need to be in the face, or can they be in a jar?

What if my eyes are green?

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post boy pussy











>Bright Yellow




>Being a retarded nordicist

Worse than animal.

Life in the first world isn't hard. It's just boring. So you decide to do something fun - like getting your pink haired, big titted coworker to have sex with you - but then you fail, get complained about, and fired for sexual harassment. And then you get angry and try to murder her out of revenge, but her 190cm tall German-Russian boyfriend kicks your ass and you land in the hospital.

then you are a chosen one

What if you are a green eyed, red-haired irishman from Northern Ireland?

i'll take life in russia anytime if i could, you guys are more fun, human and the girls are more beautiful. I don't like the spirit of most people here, women are shit

top job in the weapons department at hq