Do people from multilanguage countries speak all the languages or just one?

Do people from multilanguage countries speak all the languages or just one?

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quite sure every Swiss person speaks at least two of the country's official languages

I speak every language of the European union.

>this neoliberal wanksock that has been fucking every worker in europe in the name of profit in the ass for 60 years is communist
why is Jow Forums so retarded

Vraiment ?


>communists want better conditions for workers

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Because it's full of Americans

No, not even slightly in the case of Canada. People bilingual in French and English are a very marginal minority.

Como é o teu galego?

>I don't know what communism is but it's surely a bad thing

reminder that if you speak more than one language you are a literal cuck and a traitor to your ancestors

Communists only want priveleges for the scholar technocratic elite
Communists just want to replace corporate overlords with ”educated” overlords

>Communists only want priveleges for the scholar technocratic elite
These are the technocrats and they are viewed to be reactionary by the communists. However, I can't say that technocracy is a bad thing either

Most of us study both English and French in school, but about 17.5% of us are actually bilingual in both official languages. Also, most French/English bilingual speakers are concentrated in Ottawa/Gatineau and Montreal.

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Around 18% of Canadians speak both English and French. It varies by region though. In my province 34% of people are French/English bilingual.
Native Francophones are 5 times more likely to speak English than native Anglophones are to speak French.

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soviets activly purged their "intelligentsia" so you are full of shit. its all about the party.
modern university leftists are a different story but the majority of them would also get purged in any new communist state. because if there is one thing commies hate its commies who think slightly different from them.

USSR was unironically more democratic than the EU.

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democracy was a mistake. long live the european empire.

There's a concept called linguistic prestige, or prestige dialect.
If a language is seen as having cultural, education or some other kind of prestige or perceived higher status, then in official circumstances this will language will be used, as opposed to "lesser" languages lower on the totem pole.
for example, many african countries, due to many years of colonialism, the languages of former colonial powers are perceived as having more prestige than local african languages.
there's also the element of lingua franca: for many years, foreign european languages were the only languages spoken commonly between different tribes and nations, hence they use the european languages to facilitate inter-ethnic communication.


It depends on how strong is your domestic culture.

For example, in Finland almost no one speaks Swedish, because Swedish culture isn't any superior to the Finnish one, so there's simply no need to do it.

On the other hand, in Ukraine everyone speaks Russian, because no relevant cultural output is created in Ukrainian.

In Belgium, Dutch-speaking people speak French, while French natives don't speak Dutch, as Dutch culture is inferior to the French one.

I never thought i'd see anyone this uneducated on communism.