Can the mods on this site just ban all of thee porn pictures, everytime i open this site i see a womans behind

Can the mods on this site just ban all of thee porn pictures, everytime i open this site i see a womans behind,

Just ban these losers please

Attached: 3w.jpg (920x462, 131K)

Attached: 71B833BB-2FDD-4D62-BA0A-208AE40AD722.jpg (1024x744, 73K)

>ban pornposters
>post gore

Attached: 1520957073781.webm (1280x720, 732K)

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How does ones face decompose but not there hands


I've seen this troglodyte so many times that I actually kind of want to bone her now.

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that was vultures my friend

Attached: 9EF89C4F-3FB3-4AB6-8352-0CD4DEA9BCCF.jpg (750x918, 87K)

Attached: 16.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

what the fuck is a groestl

Wow same face

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Attached: 20170314-video-backstage_1.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Someone needs to do something like the one autists did to the Guild Wars 2 generals in /vg/ and have a spambot unload into them every time a thotthread is posted. I don't know why people keep defending them when they're all pajeets and underage b&s.

I would run a 100 mile marathon with 20 lb weights strapped around each ankle with a small asian man strapped to my back shouting insults at me while whipping the back of my head while a midget on a moped follows me with a paintball gun that's shooting frozen paintballs at my nether regions only to be greeted by a pack of wild hyenas that I have to kill with my bare hands blind folded just shake hands with the janitor that cleaned her high school classroom at the end of it all

>someone should use spambots
>complains about underage and pajeets

Attached: virginmeme.jpg (652x489, 44K)

Sacrifices must be made.

ay dios mio

He didn't fly so good.

vultures go for the tender parts, breast,eyes,tongue,inside mouth,facial tissue

It wasn't always this way, started happening around the Nov/Dec bullrun when the normies invaded. Before that we had an abundance of anime pics

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who is this fat tasty bitch

I agree. fap folder trash deserves perm ban

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