a bastion of safe gains in a sea of blood
it's been climbing CMC ranks solely because it's one of the few coins not getting rekt
you wanna make money in this dead market? this is your chance.
$2 EOW, $5 EOM
Help me, Bibox Token, you're my only hope
Other urls found in this thread:
Sold all my linkies for this
Let's go boys
Does margin work on Bibox?
They have 3x margin for BTC, ETH, EOS USDT pairs
lol I made 2 posts today, no reply, where were you BIX soldiers?
these are actually the people FROM bibox spamming this board so you will use bibox.
if these people can get that creative imagine how creative they get with ideas on how to swindle you out of your funds. hmmm? dont trust bibox
Stay poor
we're all just BIX holders, brainlet
if you actually think there are any significant numbers of paid shills on this board then you're hopeless and will never make it
3k BIXlet, am I gonna make it?
depends when you bought it
these are actually the people FROM bibox spamming this board so you will use bibox.
if these people can get that creative imagine how creative they get with ideas on how to swindle you out of your funds. hmmm? dont trust bibox
If you genuinely believe that anyone gives a shit about Jow Forums enough to pay shills on it, you are definitely a brainlet.
muhfuggin bix nood
planning on buying a Bibox low MC coin during the dip, then buying back into BIX
Any theories as to why this is unaffected by the rest of the market?
no idea... the pump started before the rest of the market took a shit and now it's sorta just waiting to pump again, nobody's selling because everyone knows what it's worth that owns it.
muhfuggin BIX NOOD
INSTAR is ready for lift off btw. Recently listed on Bibox with a below 10 million dollar market cap. Do I have to say more?
I've been eyeing that one too, user
This is the most obvious self-fulfilling moon mission I have ever seen
Owning BIX feels like cheating at life
rest of Jow Forums might not fomo into this until $10 kek
comfy bix moon..
team usa is a faggot
It's literally lower than before it got listed and the whale manipulation is so obvious.
no u
apparently there's a guy named team usa who has a whole shilling discord to shill bix
Yeah man, no shit. Just dumped all my shitcoins into this. fuck the redditfag HODL meme
I feel so comfy 50% in BIX while everything else dumps
muhfuggen bix nood
BIX is a stud beacon of hope in this madness