Modern Greece seems so dysfunctional. What happened to the creators of Western civilization?

Modern Greece seems so dysfunctional. What happened to the creators of Western civilization?

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no slavery anymore, also you're idealizing the classical world

Ancient civilization will eventually think their civilization is best, not learn from others and call others barbarians just because they're not in the civilization, like ancient Chinese, ancient Greece and ancient Romans
Or they're just dysfunctional from the beginning but spawned on the right place, like Mesopotamia and Egypt

Maybe their society was generally shit, but they at least made strides in mathematics, art, philosophy, architecture, literature and laid the foundation for many sciences...
What has a Greek in the past few hundred years done?

Instead of asking, how about you search what the Greeks have done these past centuries?

They died.
All of them

There's very few of us left, Turkey assimilated most of Greeks. Fuck you want us to do when there's like 15 million of us in total spread out in the world after 600 years of colonization and 10% of the population dying in WW2?

Why post a 15th century painting made by an italian portraying roman architecture? HMMMM....

16th century painting*

Considering neolithic Hellenics were identical to modern nordics...

Modern greeks are africans

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-05-02-38-00.png (720x1280, 422K)

Modern greeks are pure foreign descent.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-06-12-44-59.png (720x1280, 500K)

Yeah we're all 100% BLACK and 0% Greek


Ignorant of history and a nigger

Thats you.

>dark skin
>african looking
The Gayr**k.

My nigga we're KANGZ the American is right

great comeback nigger

great depiction of yourself amerinigger

Άστον ήλιθιο ρε βλαkα k συμφώνησε μαζί του για να μη σkατωσει το θρεντ περισσότερο

You are.

ὄχι ἁπλῶς τρολλάρειν δὲν μπορεῖς νὰ συμφωνήσῃς μαζί του, πολεμᾷς τὴν φωτιὰ μὲ φωτιὰ

>conquered by semitic Christianity
>conquered by turks
Like blacks claiming chicago is the same as white chicago or blacks and ahmeds in paris claiming they wuz parisians.

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Ο στόχος του είναι να διαφωνει μαζί σου αλλά αν συμφωνείς απλώς θα σkάσει

>You are correct amerinigger, now go eat some MC's and think you won this "debate" with your wooden arguments