Wake up

>Wake up
>Still italian

Attached: f81.jpg (800x585, 133K)

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Glad Italy still exists

sti cazzi

why is southern italy so shit compared to north

who cares you fucking attention whore

The North plundered the South, but Polentoni don't want you to know.

that doesn't concern you . It's a sort of sweet joke beetwen us.

t. irolese

you know nothing insect, southerners are superior to culattone northerners all day.

Attached: 222695.jpg (320x320, 28K)

Va a ciapà i ratt. pirla


Been to Italy and I loved it. GOAT country in Europe except the language.
Only thing I hate is your diaspora that came here early last century and now they claim to be Italian.
>omg I’m so loud because of my Italian side
>yes I’m Italian my grandma fucked one
>I’m so good at cooking since I’m Italian
The hate is immense

Why South Korea is a shit compared to North?

Based and Juchepilled

only american with italian root says that

why do you hate me?

Attached: dna test.jpg (863x484, 41K)

Pipo papo pipo pipo popo popo pipo papo

lmao it’s a joke
our country is shit and it is being overrun by diversity and slutty women

>wake up
>still a sudaca

Attached: 1kvs1p.jpg (460x397, 36K)

two peninsula countries
one had glorious empire history
one had continual shame history

t h a n k god

My ancestors :)

>Wake up
>Federico ze oposito familya quilt ior padre
>tfw mio dio
>tfw fottiti cazo
>tfw this is not personal, it's only business

Why can't you just build a car that fucking works properly, is that so much to ask?

Attached: art on wheels.jpg (1360x903, 246K)

>complains about italian car
>has never build a car
you aren't allowed to talk


Defending women on the internet won't get you pussy, permavirgin

Its infested with us

>wake up
>still whiter than an italian

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Fiat has received the European Car of the Year award 9 times, more times than any other European car brand. Take your memes and get the fuck out of here.

Bring back Lancia proper, faggots.

Happy for you bruh

>n-no u
Go complain about how those evil feminists brainwash women into being sluts (but not with you).

Defending women on the internet won't get you pussy, permavirgin

Attached: 85184694.jpg (625x400, 138K)

it's a lot more reliable than Tesla and most of german car brands


Attached: wrong mgtow.png (1446x827, 1.22M)

this is more readable

hey you leave those southern italians alone

Defending women on the internet won't get you pussy, permavirgin

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Non-meme answer is Southern Italy isn't good for industry so they never could gain much wealth especially during the key time frame in the industrial era. Northern Italy has rivers and other features which greatly benefit Industry better.


Sneaky Albanian subhuman

You can tell from his voice he actually is pissed kek. Based Italian btfoing that dumb brit roastie

Literally living life on easy mode
Also I'm a jobless klv

t. Terroni subumani

Planning on moving to Italy someday. Hopefully they won't hate me too much for being a cultureless American and having too much northron DNA.

the face he makes right away when she says "ham" is priceless

I like pizzas but eat with chopsticks, not with my hands haha sorry