Anyone else grown to like those Iota motherfuckers? In the new climate of absolute trash like eos, skycoin...

Anyone else grown to like those Iota motherfuckers? In the new climate of absolute trash like eos, skycoin, holocoin vaporware, I regret giving our groundbreaking commies such shit

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>shitskin sympathizers

new one's coming any day now
for real this time, they swear

IOTA retards btfo, its an absolute shitcoin with zero use cases. Enjoy your bags

EOS works
Holochain works

Both have more functionality in their alphas then this shit.

I bought iota once, it has disappeared from my wallet since, please kys.

also Skycoin is the next Bitcoin.

iota's time will come

Insider here, I swear on my own life and my whole family life that I know for a fact that the IOTA basedboy developers were selling their iotas last week and they are probably not done.

They said its to pay "salaries", kek they are selling tens of thousands of millions usd worth.
They're doing it through an entity in switzerland, a broker, they are selling on the market and not OTC

If they're selling it, I'd be willing to wager its to corporations.
IOTA isn't going anywhere. After the shit coin apocalypse this will come out on top.