>found out that guy I bullied in HS killed himself a few months ago
I'm thinking if it's what I did to him or not... he did quit school after it
>found out that guy I bullied in HS killed himself a few months ago
I'm thinking if it's what I did to him or not... he did quit school after it
you probably had a good deal to do with it, yes
don't worry, you will meet him in hell
>he did quit school after it
Leaving a school because of bullying as a child is ultra traumatic. It's certain it weighted in his decision to kill himself.
Are there blood feuds in Brazil? Will his family or friends come after you?
manlet currycel
he couldnt take it. Bullying makes you strong, if you get bullied then you yourself start bullying. Its what happened to me:)
I had a guy name me in his suicide note once.
He killed himself because he lost his job at the place I work. He lost his job because I got caught masturbating to a photo of the (male) managing director in the toilets and managed to forge a bunch of emails making it look like he threatened me to do it, so he got fired.