What are his chances of winning? its the only thing that can give me hopes in the future

what are his chances of winning? its the only thing that can give me hopes in the future

Attached: mundobrasil.jpg (700x466, 29K)

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isn't this nigga in jail


you're fucking retarded, he has nothing to do with the candidate that was in jail, in fact he is the polar opposite.

he has some chance. I think he'll end up winning in the end but it's going to be a close call.

Are you guys happy?

sorry not everybody pays attention to your monkey politics

the USanon is more into it than he thinks,
but he's not processed yet, so he's getting away with it so far. i foresee another impeachment

When are Brazilian elections starting?
Fucking Jow Forums made me care for the general elections of Brazil even though the results would have little to no impact in here.


Mexico already elected its redpilled president, now it's time for Hueland too

Attached: amlo-mexico.jpg (961x641, 67K)