Thoughts on Chechnya?

Thoughts on Chechnya?

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Muslim shithole.

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barbaric arab souls in the bodies of whites

The most based Muslims



Ramzan seems to be having a good time over there

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Shut your mouth Bong*loid

russian rape babies

They gonna have a 'civil war' soon featuring ingushetia, ahh good old tribal war.


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Complete and total barbarians.

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Aren't they part of Russia? Have the police arrest them

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> Allah save the queen

Whiter than you Alfie

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This is the payment for ussr supporting multiculti, they are republics, they have their own police and govt.

Does Chechnya fuck with it's neighbors ingushetia and Dagestan?

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Are there still Russian Military bases there?

They all hate each others really bad, did you know that one of russian-chechen wars happened cause of they attacked dagestan, after we gave them independance, they all are basically south africa niggers, unable to domesticate, they only respect you after you punch them in the face.

>gave Israel to the kikes
>sucks muslim cock to the point of electing a muslim mayor
>first european nation to have a jewish prime minister
>killed innocent boers and later supported nigger Mandela
>everything worth they have is copied from France or Germany
>America's lapdog
>lost a war to a starving unarmed indian guy in diapers
>full of paedophiles
> Royal family is blacked.

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Imagine winning the lottery of life and being him

I have no idea, there should be one, maybe not, kadyrov is a putin's shill anyways.

I wonder if Vlad likes having him around because his antics take some heat off him? Personally I think it is embarrassing for Russia

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I hope ingushetians will put a stop to that

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ALL the Money Moscow gives him, and I think recently they gave him control of Chechnya's Oil industry

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>be government
>can't even stops citizens from starting wars with each other
not very confidence inspiring

>when your government can't protect you so you need to form your own military units
Does nobody in Moscow see the problem here?

Nah, they simply don't give a fuck about anything besides stealing money from the government budget and prohibiting people to do X or say Z.

Russia's best investment since Rosenbergs.

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As i said, all of them has their own ethnical govt, ussr was pushing it, local culture, local language, local everything, while discriminating everything russian in the meantime, they all are fully ethnical, you cant do anything about that.

Just leaving them alone and cutting them checks is fine, but what if violence does break out again? Another nasty war?

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He leaves him around because there is no one else trustworthy enough for him to rule Chechnya.

And he already has too much power to be just set aside.

Everytime Chechnya is mentioned the talk is all about their president and nothing else

How come no one is fascinated by the fact that this place that isn't big enough to be on maps fought Russia for decades throughout the centuries? And is now the most autonomous republic in Russia, being pretty much an ethno-state. Legit based. Only Afghanistan is more based.

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i have a friend whos a chechnyan refugee and he is really based and redpilled

Chechnya is a pirate state headed by Kadyrov. Thanks to the Kremlin, there is in Chechnya “the dictatorship of Kadyrov" The laws of Russia don’t operate nor do the centuries-old customs of the Chechens. Everyone has to “live according to Kadyrov’s rules.”

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because there's nothing actually based about it

yeah could be legit desu

No it is based you dumb brainlet. Men fighting for their native ancestral homeland is always based.

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cringed while reading this

It's the only white nation in the world with no homos.
Sounds like paradise.

Arabs of Russia, savages among savages

That's weird because when we were a USSR republic they were actively pursuing a program of russification.

we really had to bomb the entire place until there's nothing and nobody left
west wouldn't mind anyway since at the time russia was america "best friend" and was allowed to start wars

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t. rapebaby that has the culture of his rapist

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Afghanistan is also a white Ethnostate where homos are killed...

the uae is a fake country who functions as an oversized las vegas with barely anything arabic/muslim about it other than some randomly enforced laws desu

read it, nigger

Checnya is cool.

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True. For me my homeland is the Arab homeland.

pic related :/

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The Taliban is trying the best to kill those homos. Taliban had stopped a lot of that homosexuality when they had more power...

moro lelo

Grozny in 2030

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where is that actually from?

Pic related is Akhmat Tower (will be finished in two years)

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Chechnya has nice scenery

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And you did that well just next time nuke them
