what the fuck is finland? is it like scandanavia or is it an eastern european shithole?
What the fuck is finland? is it like scandanavia or is it an eastern european shithole?
the latter
It's not Scandinavian, but it is nordic. Scandinavians are north germanic while finns are finno-ugric. We got some history with them though as they were part of the Swedish Empire back in the day.
Is like Mongol heaven
We're a tribe of Mongols who rode too far west and got lost in a swamp
neither of them
You're not any more special than the other Finno-Ugric tribes spanning all over Russia
benis :DDD
i wish we would be considered Baltic again like Estonia. Sweden has ruined the Nordic name and we got nothing to do with them except being 600 a Swedish colony. By that regard most of Africa and Southern Asia should be considered Western-European
Sons of Evropa
is it true that karelians are crazy
Are spurdo memes an accurate portrayal of finland?
These are.
finland YES
They seem to be more alert and intuitive than other finns but more easily to fall in alcoholism and such.
Spurdo is a portrait of a Scythian
What's your point? We have our own nation?
They are the best of Balto-Finnics. Richest culture, history, and language
fugg i never saw this one
Finnish accents PISS ME OFF !
My point is Asians are insects and arr rook same
What's a seto?
that is one sexy spurdo
Looks like a Spanish "conquistador"
Obviously that haplogroup doesn't correlate to the similarity of different races at all.
jees :D
West Karelians
>burned down Sigtuna and kept sw*Des in cages
>East Karelians
I is related to J, Shemi1te. You greedy bastards don't deserve Europe by the virtue of being there first.
Why are Swedes obsessed with head sizes? I've never seen any other general post about this
It's one guy with neurological issues
Because we invented it
mongol meme aside
I feel their sense of humor is strange for Europeans.
>It's not Scandinavian, but it is nordic
I said this a few weeks ago and one of your countrymen and started chimping out at me.
I doubt it's all 1 Swede
copypasting my response to another user.
>>The reason Finland is *associated with* (but not part of) Scandinavia is that they have a minority of around 5% Scandinavian (Swedish) speakers who are disproportionately influential in the country since they used to be the elite, and that they have a history of political ties to Sweden and have therefore been included in the broader Nordic cooperation.”
>No, the reason Finland is associated with Scandinavia is that before the Swedes expanded their empire to what would become known as Österland and eventually Grand Duchy of Finland and later Finland these lands were just wilderness with small secluded tribes.
>The concept of Finland is as new as 1809. It started with the Swedes introducing these small tribes to the concept of a larger society starting in ~1200s. Their purpose in it of course was to extend the lands they could place under taxation. Something as mundane as written language didn’t exist in the areas now known as Finland before Sweden expanded here. For about 600 years the people living in “Finland” didn’t think of themselves as Finns either, they identified as a part of their local tribe who served the Swedish crown. Only when Russians separated that large part of Sweden from the rest of Sweden a distinct Finnish identity was born.
>Finnish society and culture is built on Swedish imports. Ideas like christianity, taxation, court of law, law in itself, education and how all of those are handled were directly copied over from Sweden (naturally, since “Finland” was just another part of Sweden with no distinction made between the two). In the past 200 years they have evolved separately so it’s not to say the two are carbon copies of each other in present day, but the nation of Finland is heavily built on the foundation created by Sweden, a Scandinavian culture. That’s why it often gets grouped into Scandinavia despite the differences in ethnic background and language.
this response was tailored to fit the specific question so if you have any further inquiries about Finland I'd be glad to answer
huutista hurrille
>their sense of humor is strange for Europeans
That's because we're not Europeans
We are Mongols from Ural mountains
huutista fennomaanille peltoautojuntille joka ei tiedä oman maansa historiaa
sometimes i wish other countries on here didnt know we exist
Suomi ei ole hurrien maa
Ole hyvä ja poistu takaisin Ruotsiin
Hurrit kopioi keski- ja eteläeurooppalaisia joka asiassa eikä mitään skandinaavista kulttuuria oikeastaan ole
Ruotsalaiset pamputtaisivat vielä tänä päivänäkin koiria ja sikoja peffaan jos sivilisaatiota ei olisi heille annettu
me too :/
Aina saa hävetä näitä.
näitä modernin historiankäsityksen mukaisia kuvauksia?
>Hurrit kopioi keski- ja eteläeurooppalaisia joka asiassa
no eipä tätä kukaan ole kieltänytkään
>Ruotsalaiset pamputtaisivat vielä tänä päivänäkin koiria ja sikoja peffaan jos sivilisaatiota ei olisi heille annettu
naurista alemmuuskompleksille. totta helvetissä ruotsalaiset kopioi eurooppaa joka kopioi lähi-itää. kutsutaan historian kuluksi. turhat kyrvänmittauskilvat siitä kuka keksinyt itse eniten erikseen
Myötistä, not all finns are autistic and small minded such this example
erittele yksi svekomaaninen väite viestistäni
Moni asia kopioitiin Saksasta samoihin aikoihin sekä Suomeen että Ruotsiin
Moni vanha kirkko maassaamme on saksalaisen suunnittelema
>moni asia kopioitiin saksasta ruotsin kautta suomeen*
Ennen 1800-lukua, jolloin Saksa alkoi vaikuttaa Suomeen suoraan. Sitä ei kukaan ole kieltänyt, että Suomeen on vuosisatojen kuluessa vaikuttanut muutkin kuin Ruotsi.
>Moni vanha kirkko maassaamme on saksalaisen suunnittelema
Joo ja katolinen kirkko on kotoisin Vatikaanista, entä sitten? Ruotsin kruunun palvelijat toivat (katolisen) kirkon Suomeen, joka pian korvattiin luterilaisella, mutta yhtäkaikki ne kristinuskon piirteet mitä tänne metsän väkeä palvoville villeille on tuotu ovat tulleet ruotsalaisten kautta, lukuunottamatta venäläisten ortodoksilaista vaikutusta.
Have to justify that genocide with pseudoscience.
Sweden is the leading European country in eugenics and other genetic-related pesudosciences.
Funny how they don't obsess about digit ratio because it proves they are fembois and Finns are real men
If I were a Finn proud of his heritage I'd stop stressing our relation to the subhuman Russians and Siberians as much as possible.
judge yourself
>If I were a Finn proud of his heritage
hurri siis
>I'd stop stressing our relation to the subhuman Russians and Siberians as much as possible.
90% of Russians are very closely related to Swedes on an genetic level. It happens to be a biological fact that Finns are very different from them because we possess Siberian as well as local hunter gatherer blood and there's no way around that.
>90% of Russians are very closely related to Swedes on an genetic level.
Untrue. Finns are a special mix, thankfully so. We're practically siberians who were spared due to western influence.
About as "Siberian" as Swedes
Haplogroups don't show everything unless you post maternal haplogroups too. We've got mostly similar maternal haplogroups as the racially homogenous Slavo-Germanics but twice as much U5 which is hunter gatherer.
This is the kind of post you make when your IQ is below 80 and you're obsessed with "whiteness".
Finnish siberian-finno-ugric heritage is unique in the world. It's not like Swedes, it's not like Russians. It's not like central Europe. We have the same base siberian blood many aboriginals around the world do (even australia and northern canada), because it's strong blood. We also have a unique inlux of germanic blood from Sweden in the Finnish mix which isn't present in mongolia or hungary or other countries with have historically evolved from the same tribes.
Is eugenics even claimed (in the past) to be a science? Its just betterment by biology, and positive yeah?
>Haplogroups don't show everything unless you post maternal haplogroups too.
Absolutely true but I'm simply posting arguments simple enough for an anime image board that allows one image per post.
Finnish paternal hablogroups heavily point towards siberia.
Paternal and maternal haplogroups show about 2/23 of the whole story.
Autosomal admixture + haplogroups (the one here ), aka whole genome (23/23) shows EVERYTHING
What are the colours?
Autosomal DNA might show everything but those 4 made up components show less than haplogroups
Red = modern Finns ie. us
blue = trash from Russia (russians and other sapmis)
It's part of a larger story how Finland is heavily divided into two DNA straints.
>ie us
Yeah right. Only like 2 million people in Finland are red. Capital area's 1.5 million are mostly blanda up of different tribes and not just reds.
X and Y chromosomes contain markers that are called haplogroups so haplogroups don't even tell the whole story about the chromosomes they're located in and even if they did it would be 0,5/23 or 1/23.
Well, he was wrong then.
hyi vittu yölliset hälytykset
Geographically speaking it's been suggested that Finland is a part of the Scandinavian peninsula while Denmark is not, so it's a hot mess.
Imagine being this retarded. Finns are genetically pretty much the same people as Balts and Northwest Russians who happen to speak uralic language.
>Finns are genetically pretty much the same people as Balts and Northwest Russians who happen to speak uralic language.
Absolutely untrue.
>"imagine being this retarded"
>doesn't know anything what he's talking about
we're literally our own thing due to bottleneck effect
Yes, but originally the same people as the ones around us, bottlenecked and genetically drifted or not.
Thanks I'd read the HS one but I'll go through the rest
As I said.
Finns are divided into:
>Swedemixed Varsinais-Suomi
>Saamimixed Savo and Northern Karelia
>Swede and Saamimixed Southern Ostrobothnia
>Swede, Saami, and Savonian mixed Northern Ostrobothnia and Lapland
any questions?
You are talking absolute shit.
Nope. It's a fully accurate description.
Finns aren't heavily mixed with any of these groups you mentioned so its irrelevant. And your map doesn't show that either.
the masterrace you bitches
Finland are mongols who got influenced by Swedes and russians, Estonia are mongols who got influenced by germans and russians
Yes it does. Varsinais-Suomi is the closest to Sweden not just on all PCA's but also in Fst-distances. It's also a well recorded fact that Savonians mixed with the lappalainen in increasing amounts as they travelled north, as did their western counterparts along the coast.
How about southern Karelia and the isthmus? Purest Finno-Karelians there