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/carib/ + island friends
Anthony Parker
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Jenkins
Jordan Rogers
Ian King
South Florida here what’s up
Connor Lee
It's all fine.
Liam Brooks
A slow day desu, which is pretty comfy
Gabriel Williams
>feel like shit since morning
>progressively feel worse
>random extremely strong urge to kms
thats new
also ive apparentl forgotten how to drink from a bottle ans spillrd stout twice
Josiah Reed
It's been raining all day here, and I've barely left my bed listening to music and playing, it's peak /comfy/
Evan White
I hope you feel better soon jamaicanon. Try to do things that make you feel better and get a good amount of rest. If the day feels terrible just eat well and go to bed and call it a day, you'll eventually feel better.
Caleb Thomas
>Try to do things that make you feel better
>tfw palying vidy and drinking and still feel like shit
>If the day feels terrible just eat well and go to bed and call it a day
i have to saty up for japan gp at 12 ;_;
Jaxson Nelson
Consider taking a nap. Eat something good and then just go to bed and get comfy
Chase Mitchell
I also feel like shit, since i will probably never be able to finish my degree and even if i finish it by a miracle i don't know what to do with it since i need admission exams for every career that involves a law degree
Justin Thompson
I don't know how deep into it you are but if you are closer to the beginning you can always change it to something easier and if you are closer to the end then you won't have that much more left to do. The future does look a bit daunting, but if things don't work out being a neet isn't the worst thing in the world.
Joseph Robinson
I'm close to the middle of it, lol
But because i'm doing my course part-time, it will take me at least 5 years
Angel Mitchell
Hi everyone
Henry Morgan
If you're doing it part time the workload shouldn't be too bad. I'm doing full time and I will take at least 5 years from now too.
Brandon Gray
The problem is that i'm not living in the city of my Uni. so i don't go to classes, and the recomended books are shit and are outdated. I find it really dificult to find material to study from.
What course are you taking?
Angel Taylor
Business. Living in a different city than the university would make it very hard to get things done. Do you have some kind of housing assistance type of thing there that would make moving to the city not too expensive?
Ayden Richardson
When i lived there (and what everyone does is renting a room). 2 different times i lived with people i knew so it was not that bad, but a 3º time a lived with a guy that i didn't knew, he was taking physics and was a lot more autistic that i, so i hated it, because he never talked with each other despite my approaches to be friendly with him
So you are living at home with your parents while studying at the Uni.?
Asher Lewis
I'm in a new city (I had to move for studies) and i've got an apartment for myself. The having roommates system is also alive here and it is cheaper obviously to live like that but not that much cheaper to make it worth it desu, sharing an apartment with a stranger sounds terrible. I'll gladly pay a little extra to not have to deal with a stranger in my home. Also you get some gibs from the goverment for studying and help to pay for rent. It doesn't cover everything but it covers enough for me not to be completely screwed financially.
Aaron Hughes
>sharing an apartment with a stranger sounds terrible
And it is
But living with friends is not that bad.
Also, one time i tried briefly a different course in a different Uni. and city, i lived there with 3 completely strangers to me, but 1 of them was really friendly and cool, so we became friends. So it depends some times you can have the luck of sharing the apartment with some cool guy and become friends with him.
And we get 0€ from the government to find a place, except if you are poor and then the Uni. will put you in a student residence, which are completely shit, because you will have to share your room (yes your room, not the apartment) with more people (other student you don't know), normally 2 people per room but can be more, depending of the residence
Julian Clark
>having to share your room
>not even having one room for privacy
Sharing an apartment is bad enough but sharing a room is simply un-livable.
Austin Garcia
Jordan Phillips
Dominicans are better than other humans
Isaac Wilson
Posta a parda da tua irmã
Caleb Harris
Jayden Reyes
No soy ese user.
Logan Sanchez
Good morning
Cooper Barnes
It's night
Brandon Richardson
whatcha listening 2 carib?
Ryder Stewart
Sounds gay
Landon Diaz
I have the best taste of carib:
Elijah Price
Liam Collins
Jonathan King
I [24f] have been dating this new guy [26m] for the past 3 months and it's been going swimmingly. He's charming, funny, not a slob (important), we click, yada yada. The sex is also passionate and usually really good. His head game is on point and I reciprocate often. When giving him a blowjob he is vocal, which can't be said for many guys.
There is only one issue. He has a very "memey" sense of humor, which I generally enjoy. When I'm going down on him, he'll squirm and moan, but will only say variants of
Give me the succ
She succ me
She succ me through my boxers
She succ me with no clothes on
Succ baby succ
I get the succ
All aboard the succ train
How to get the succ
I'm like the Zucc but I get more succ
60 minutes of succ
Succy succy long time
Fat succ
She want to fucc but first she succ
Damn she fine when she succ
Deep succ
She succ me to Mars
She succ me to Antarctica
She succ me underground
Gimme dat first-class succ
She got a masters in succ
She got a PhD in succ
Succ as a second language
Suh Succ me like a hungry baby
Succ me into an existential crisis
Gimme dat succ-out-of-jail-free card
Succ at a 100
The first rule of succ club is give me the succ
I swear this is all he will say. If you don't believe me, I failed nearly every creative writing class in high school so there is no way I could've come up with all that shit. At first I thought it was the funniest thing on the planet. It's still funny. But it's hard to do my job when I can't stop cracking up. It's getting to the point where I can't really give him oral anymore because I start cackling even before we begin.
I kind of want him to stop because it's getting old, but then he will pull out some new outlandish phrase and grin devilishly as I struggle to pleasure him without choking on my own laugter. It's interfering with our foreplay at this point.