Arrogant students edition
Other urls found in this thread:
dumb niggers will start posting in 3, 2, 1...
> large munchy box lads
Remember when Milo Yiannopoulos was relevant?
harry potter was trans
Half blood Prince is the best harry potter book prove me wrong
>I've found my soulmate
would LIKE to spectate a /brit/ chess match
please play
i agree i was a glutton when i ordered this though
i see you in here criticising people playing all the time
why don't you have a go you little runt
manchester city centre is unbelievably disgusting
Watching Star Trek Next Generation. Do you think if we ever reached that level of advancement there would be a group of humans who have convinced themselves we're the master race if the galaxy?
how does one identify cokelad's posts?
I've played three games. won one, lost one, the opponent abandoned the other one (so I win)
dont reply to reddit bait
just done
what TNG episode was that?
>Stacey Dooley as a minion
Cock is rock hard
they are the most based most redpilled posts in here
>have a 2:1 bachelors from a mid tier uni
>start training for new job
>met people PhDs and masters from Imperial and UCL
>we're doing the same job or the same money
liverpool city centre is unbelievably beautiful
to you guys talking about kavanaugh, want a real mind fuck? look at the clarence thomas senate hearings.
its literally the same exact shit. the media and the democrats are just rehashing old tactics lol
Just look for the dumbest yet most arrogant posts in the thread
Wanked so hard tonight
I have a 2:1 masters and my manager at toil didn't even go to uni
The crucial idea they had when making the American government was that it would almost be a challenge for anything to get done
the posts that seem like someone is having a conversation with himself, that's cokelad
>t. lost to me
>tee hee btw i do drugs posts
>blogging about his drug experiences when nobody asked
>talks about himself a lot
they mention coke/beers and/or his willy
No, because they make it very clear other races had similar tech way before humans. The whole thing about Vulcan/Human relations is that they found us literally as soon as we went faster than the speed of light. Humans are not the most advanced civilisation.
PBS newsman: "Nothing like what happened today has ever happened before."
when you do your washing, don't mix the whites with the colours or it will ruin the whites
Maybe Clarence seedorf shouldn't have sexually harrasmed someone before being nominated?
There is a dozen people in every thread doing that in an effort to push their new gimmick.
Is Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift considered racist?
WOAH mama
makes you think
no tits
In terms of character and society, humans were the superior race in Star Trek. Every other race on a technological level were more advanced but their society and way of going about things was inferior and clearly flawed. The Federation is the perfect society
quite a big bum ngl
mad that he was born dirt poor and spoke Gullah as a first language
give us something good to watch tonight
gonna go poo so when im back hopefully we can have something sorted
500 Days of Summer
bit of a flamin' gullah hey haha
what's a good brand of winter rainjacket
Why doesn't Bruce Forsyth do strictly anymore?
Democrats hate him because he tends to view the law in a conservative fashion
Watch DS9. They make it clear that humanity has it's own flaws and are basically way too limp wristed to actually get shit done without corruption.
>cute face
>small tits
>round butt
mmm yes *licks lips* she is quite the eehhrmmmm... quite the nice young lady isn't she hehh heh
doing a think
Was that the episode where they meet the fucking creators of all intelligent life in the galaxy?
I'd literally rather watch the new shit than that actual garbage of a series
Couple at the table next to me in the restaurant aren't having a good first date
The girl is calling the guy boring after asking about what music he listens to, he just said he listens to Radio 1
Fuck off yank
listening to yandhi
sounds like a tinder free-meal type situation
wouldn't be surprised if he pays for her onward taxi to Chad's gaff after they're finished eating to cap it all off
That's what they call a neg
society is doomed
Hey lads, watch this
cant even vote on this yet 25 yo virgin lmao
>purple hair
DS9 is the best series. It literally does Voyager's and Enterprise's main premises better than those shows do themselves.
the DSA are social imperialists with origins in a movement that had no problem with the american war on vietnam
Just made this it's not full but it's all i had available
mister kiwi started young i see
when will gamers rise up
Girl who suggested a date on OKcupid then deleted her account, walked past me in town last night, I followed her for a bit. As suspected she's a bit of a crypto fatty, but her face was better IRL.
Only all humanoid intelligent life
state of that election campaign
the correct response to this revelation is to make the conscious decision to never have children so as not to subject them to this misery + live a hedonistic self-destructive lifestyle of drug-taking until you die (interspersed with call centre work)
The plots are not nearly as engaging or imaginative than TNG, everyone knows TNG is the top series.
Wouldn't mind doing a sleeper train but I live in Lancashire so I still have to get to London
You made me look
the kiwi is living rent-free in the schizo's mind 24/7
looks based
>muslim immigrant terrorists derail Tory campaign
Air guns seem cool but just saying that I reckon I'm on a list