XCX edition
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janman will kill this thread if i only wish it
are you and ""janman""" buddies?
1999 wasn't good, bad edition
gee i don't know
sometimes i almost feel like we're the same person
The 90s and 00s were easily the worst decades
for what reasons
>he doesn't enjoy the perfect combination of CHARLI and troye on a song
tfw no bf
00s was the best decade for posting
hiroshimoot is "hiring" cyberbullies as jannies? dark day.
Hey what's up babe ;)
yo waddup
Are you a Trump voter?
You tryna get this pat pipe?
he's asking if you want the BLC
lol no, why?
because you sound white trash
OK, I heard it again; is not that bad. I stil don't like Troye's addition.
i got a pimple in the forehead
papi yo quiero chupar el pus de tu frente
White trash comes in multiple type
-type that parrot exactly what republican blogs says (1/2 of my family)
-type that parrot exactly what democrat blogs says (other half of family including immediate family)
-cool HIGH IQ centrist who dont give a FLIP! (me)
You seem to like stuff that's traditional/conservative/religious or at least you mention that fairly often
>le enlightened centrist
why not?
>communism 36%
i remember when i got my first pimple
yes Trump is known for his beautiful sense of spirituality and tradition. but alack I was too scared over healthcare and global warming and crap like that.
"Traditional Trump" we called him.
>yes Trump is known for his beautiful sense of spirituality and tradition.
>yes Trump is known for his beautiful sense of spirituality and tradition
hasnt trump been married 3 times, and isnt his current wife a model?
Not a big fan of troye's voice
"found" a cool empty warehouse/depot near abandoned freight tracks today
have been fantasizing about throwing an illegal rave in there
too bad all the doors are welded shut
could honestly be turned into a really cool location for a gritty club, lots of parking space around and it's right next to a commuter rail stop as well
no apartments nearby so no one to complain about noise either
just fix the doors and roof, add a PENG soundsystem and proper toilets. i'm sure it still has water and electricity.
mdma will do the rest jajajaja (i am anti drug)
if youre a right winger youre a gay retard
if youre a left winger youre a retarded faggot
if youre a centrist youre based and redpilled
are your parents the same political affiliation as you are?
>tfw no gf
I have officially decided to stop being Mexican.
/cum/ is a pro-right wing and pro-left wing general
""centrist"" scum GTFO
my GF is aboriginal
Sorry but there's no return policy
pro-left wing and pro-right wing IS what centrism is you retarded gay faggot
wtf does that mean and why do you keep saying it
god i wish that were me
I don't want to be hated
I don't know what the model part has to do with it but yes. Thanks for explaining my joke I know European autism is even worse than American autism and I'd hate for the sarcasm to fly over any heads.
my parents repeat democrat talking points word for word and never ever have an original thought outside of this. I agree sometimes and other times its just painful.
love and respect them greatly though either way.
who hates you?
REALLY made me think
I do
What do your parents think about you being a religious fundamentalist?
your joke was just bad
bush knocked down the towers
Mexicans are even more hated than Muslims
plus, I'm not even culturally Mexican
are you ugly?
Religious fundamentalist is the wrong term to use since fundamentalism is a prot movement.
They are quite respectful and are both religious themselves though less traditionalist. Never been anything less than respectful. When I went through edgelord atheist phase I was told strictly that I had to go to church as long as I was living under their roof lel.
They are very good and loving people.
make up...
Yes. But many ugly people have friends and gf so being ugly is not really a problem...
no excuse for you not seeing the absurdity of the statement
you underestimate the stupidity of Americans
If America and Canada joined into one country the world would see an empire the world has never seen before.
Mexico is too different from America and Canada to join with desu
Piss off back to Svergitarden general
I seen all kind of American including the most absolute retard Trump voter (my alcoholic aunt).
Nobody but nobody would ever call Trump "Traditional Trump". cmon
so you are racially mexican then
What do you think about abortion?
Future Wife
Mexican is not race.
Someone from Guatemala can look the same as a Mexican.
but 11% of america is mexican
anybody can tell you're mexican, sweetie
>Orgullosamente indio
>Looks nothing near a native american
fuck off
>Nobody but nobody would ever call Trump "Traditional Trump". cmon
Trump is running for the republican party, arent the republicans supposed to be "super" traditionalist?
And they are too different for American society.
t. Nahuel Boccherini, Peronist from Buenos Aires
I absolutely hate it with the fire of a thousand suns. it is the absolute most disgusting thing about the demoshit party and the main reason why I am centrist.
in what way
castilians are native
remember the decree of montezuma
Wat, what does your square bruto ass mean by this? I h8 peronists
>arent the republicans supposed to be "super" traditionalist?
criollos love to we wuzz as aztecs
Fuck off
Fuck off.
Disgusting. I bet you want to bomb abortion clinics.
Native? Yea native from spain lolz
>woman gets accidental miscarriage
>gets jailed for abortion
catholic logic
>, arent the republicans supposed to be "super" traditionalist?
No. There are traditionalist Republicans (idk what you mean by "super traditionalist") but Trump isn't one of them, not by any stretch. Jeb kinda was. Clinton was by far and away the more traditional candidate including 3rd party meme candidates no matter what angle you take and no matter who you ask.
Yeah, just like when children die of SIDS the mom is jailed for infanticide. You shit.
I refuse 2bh
Dont forget he cheated on his model wife with a porn star. I dont like the man but i respect his ambition and raw no-fucks-given attitude. Not a good attitude for govt tho
I don't think anyone can say that Trump is a great politician or leader. But he is a great meme man.
one of the greatest even
one of the only trump memes I have saved on my computer. so raw so pure so meme
>Dafne McPherson was convicted of murder after her baby died during childbirth
What guns should I get now that the NFA is going to be repealed?
Lmao, i cant see the logic behind a reasoning like that..
"durr someone was falsely convicted therefore murder is okay!!"
by your logic now infanticide needs to be legalized
are you a vegan?