Are 18-25 year old normie males in your country like this?

Are 18-25 year old normie males in your country like this?

1. Finland
2. Every single one of them

Attached: normopaska.png (740x1200, 446K)

literally me minus whatever the fuck that can is

We call it dip in the states
It's tobacco you put under your lips

literally me except my chinos are beige

Those are already beige

no it's called retardation you stupid hick

this cap is ruin the whole look

I don't do it you dumb faggot, I am merely a knower


>Innocent faggots

Attached: 1528676087442.png (1528x1184, 53K)

i dont know but they don''t have 15cm and thin penises like me

hats are for manchildren, esp snapbacks


15cm is definitely average

Vantaan kokoinen hullu

fuck off you 36 year old virgin

yes minus hat and snus

Attached: shoo.png (725x515, 269K)

Yes except that nobody over 15 wears snapbacks here. Alot of people wear regular caps though, especially ralph lauren and lyle n scott caps

snapbacks were a thing in high school rather than university


Guess the normies didnt quite get the memo

>high school

junior high school*

Never seen anyone wearing snapbacks anymore, it's all about baseball caps now

t. zoomer

Are 18-25 year olds zoomers?

t. zoomer

Really? Guess I'm a zoomer too then lmao

My brother

Attached: 2b1.png (820x331, 191K)

zoomer = born after 9/11

Regular caps are more popular among zoomers these days than snapbacks

I haven't seen a snapback in maybe 10 years

I haven't been around 18-25 year olds for 10 years but that is my intuition

grandpa pls this site is not for you