What would the world be like if the Central Powers had won?

What would the world be like if the Central Powers had won?

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Europe would be much better. The middle-east would be a shitshow because the Ottoman empire would be still there.

terrible because e*rope would still be in charge

middle east would be much better cause we would be ruling it all

More monarchy and religion less faggotry and Multiculturalism

If only...

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Socialist ideas would have been violently oppressed before they got a chance to plunge half of Europe into poverty.

lol no

No memeing, Germany was the good guy in ww1, not in ww2 but definitely in ww1

Stfu you incel

its pretty hard to make out a scenario where the central powers would have won outright, maybe germany would steamroll over france by some miracle and italy would switch sides again but thats about it. Capitulating USA and UK would be pretty hard.

Unless the french managed to reverse hitler germany, we would probably still have some sort of soft imperialism in place and half of europe wouldnt be reduced to dust in a second world war which is fine by me

nazi france

Actually this, you had already hard antisemitism with your revanchism after 1871

no israel
no middle east wars
no islamic terrorism
no ww2 because germany would not have lost its territory
nationalist europe with traditional values
white dominated world

I'm not a history fag so this is coming straight from my ass.
Russia pulls out early to go into civil war.
This lets centrals to go stronger in the west.
A big flaw in the French/Anglo defense leads to centrals blowing through France. And anglos are stuck on the island.
Italy pulls out and Americans show up late to say they'll get involved if the war isn't ended then and there.
Centrals take to the negotiation table and end the war with a good treaty for themselves.
This could still lead to a WW2 with a French irredentist le Hitler and socialism would still be rising in the industrializing nation of Russia.
All in all I don't see much changing in the interwar period.



Fuck off nigger mutt

Negotiated Peace in 1917 after Russian exit, before American entry = Literally a perfect world.

t. ww1 egspert

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B-but then what would it be of these qts?

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tfw no smug sırp gf

impossible, since the German military government decided our country needed to be at war with them at the time

what a quintessentially american post

kek, this

>central powers win the first WW
>implying americans wouldn't just ally with them with UK out of the picture

>turks rule middle east for nearly 1000 years
>lose it as soon as oil is discovered

what did god mean by this

I can only imagine it if the Germans won at the Marne, forcing the French to sue for peace and before the British can land their main force. Then the Germans will pull their troops to beat the Russians in the east. I'm not sure if the Russians would throw in the towel before or after the Ottomans enter the war in October which might affect peace negotiations.

The Germans will likely demand something like the Septemberprogramm: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Septemberprogramm

Russians would have to surrender their Polish partition to Germany and A-H. Hungarians were adamant that no large territory be annexed from Serbia or Montenegro to prevent further ethnic tensions. These two countries may be forced to partially disarm and fall into A-H's sphere of influence.

The Russian monarchy would be forced to surrender more power to the Duma, ultimately turning it into a constitutional monarchy. Fascism (or something similar) will be invented in France.

Aircraft tech will advance more slowly. Cavalry will remain a major force in armies for several more decades. The influenza pandemic will kill less people when it arrives a few years later.

Italy, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria remain neutral as the war ended early so nothing changes for them.

>germany ruling europe
>turkey ruling the middle east
a nightmare, though admittedly not too bad compared to now

you guys are pretty stupid

If Wilhelm hadn't been a retard we'd have just stayed neutral

>germany ruling europe
>turkey ruling the middle east
Both of these are the inescapable ends.
Europe is destined to be united under france and germany
As for the middle east, the arabs that inhabit it simply dont have the sophistication to rule their nations, it is the duty and the sacrifice of the modern turk to reign these barbaric individuals under a civilized turkish society.

wow another quintessentially american post


unrestricted submarine warfare, and making overtures to our neighbors to aid them in dividing our territory? you better believe that's not going to fly!

>civilized turkish society.

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go get put in one of erdogan's prisons already boyo


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