Countries besides your own where you'd feel at home

Countries besides your own where you'd feel at home

Turkey, the whole Balkans, -stan countries, the Levant, the Caucasus, Russia, Ukraine, parts of Austria with concentrated Balkan communities, impoverished and gypsy-ridden parts of Hungary, Andalusia, southern Italy, the Maghreb, Egypt, partially the Gulf, Belarus

Attached: edirne-turkey-march-08-poor-450w-171750896.jpg (450x321, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


None, everywhere else sucks.

Austria, Switzerland, easternmost part of Lelgium, maybe some parts of the US

That pic is old as fuck, nobody drives Murat 131 anymore.

Croatia, and that's about it

Austria is too sterile and conservative, Hungary is a shithole, Italy is subtropical, and Serbia/Bosnia have Turkish houses which creeps me out

This. The closest thing would be Britain, but they're a tiny dreary little island so it's completely different and they do shit all fucked up over there

literally only finland.

fuck snobby norwegians and their nation-sized gated community. fuck danes simply because they hate us.

all of latam

all of latam except certain parts of the US

Northern Mexico

Night city

Selected towns and small cities in Portugal. Maybe Andorra as well.


Probably south foresty parts of Slovenia since it's identical to my nostalgic native village.

Cyprus, Italy, Holland, France and I bet Southern Us and parts of LatAm could be ok.
The hook though is always what you do and not where you do it.


The alps region

Canadian Prairie Provinces

Attached: Canada_Prairie_provinces_map.png (262x212, 4K)

Probably Estonia and Lithuania. I'm pretty unphased by minor differences, though, so I could probably live without noticing too much change anywhere from the Netherlands to Moscow. I've been to most of Europe and believe it or not, 99% of life is the same everywhere you go.

Levant and gulf
I never really went to the Magrheb to know if I could consider it home.

Andean Colombian here. Highlands of Ecuador, Northern Peru, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Central America.

In other parts the weather/landscape would be too different to feel at home. Or the culture is just too different.

Shit I don't even feel at home in Paris and you expect me to do this?

Andean Colombian here too. Honestly Panama, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Ecuador, PR and DR. That's pretty much it.

Puerto Rico, Panama, Coastal Colombia, Maybe some parts of the US like Miami and Orlando.

I would add Cuba and Venezuela if it weren't for the commie deep state, and Brazil if it were not for the language.

Wtf i thought this was Peru

Probably just California

Attached: 1538621714646.png (726x694, 54K)

Shit forgot Cuba. Brazil too but the language is a big issue but they do speak portuñol in Leticia and other settlements bordering Brasil already

Spain*, Britain, Denmark, Canada, USA, Turkey*, Thailand*

*countries I've actually been to