What am I?

what am I?

Attached: a.jpg (1490x626, 137K)

You are a Finn


el armeniANO

100% ?

A mutt.

what am I?

Attached: a.jpg (1129x463, 82K)

A pinche hambriento

Most likely a faggot

pinche cabron boludo pelotudo

No, you are not spaniard
No, you are not white
No, you are not iberian
No, you are not mediterranean
No, having a spanish surname does NOT make you spanish
no, you are not italian
no, your nona, even if 1/1028 italian, doesn't make you italian
no, you are not european
no, don't even try it

yes, you are latino
yes, you are argentinian
yes, you will not learn how to speak italian
yes, you will be treated like shit in Italy
yes, you will be treated like shit in Spain
yes, you will be treated like shit in all of europe
yes, you will never be italian, spaniard nor european

a jew/slav literally the worst parts of the "white race" put together.

bit rude



jajaja ql

A mutt, welcome to the family dear goblino.


a mutt just like me bro

Attached: muttdna(56).png (3000x2500, 2.46M)

forgot to add in the new K47 test

Attached: yourDNAportal.png (1038x681, 28K)

Not colors and numbers, post your skull and I can tell you what you are.


where do you get the european map on the right?

Lm-genetics, you have to pay €5 but it gives most of the tests in that picture

Nice pasta also based and redpilled

My results with Eurogenes K36

-Iberian 23,5
-Italian 19,1
-North_Atlantic 8,1
-Amerindian 7,9
-Basque 7,1
-West_Med 6,4
-East_Central_Euro 5,0
-Fennoscandian 5,0
-North_African 3,7
-French 3,6
-East_Med 2,8
-East_Balkan 1,9
-Volga-Ural 1,8
-North_Sea 1,5
-Central_Euro 1,2
-Eastern_Euro 1,1

I'm a little surprised with the scandi/finn thing, I have no idea where that came from
