Are brazilians really going to elect this retard?

are brazilians really going to elect this retard?

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>How dare Brazilians want to make their country first world with a right wing leader!?

Come and stop us.

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Retards elect retards

when will you nuke brasilia already?

haddad will win

Not really.



BASED BolsoMITO will make BRAZIL great AGAIN

the virgin BEANER will keep being a NARCO cock sucker

Please elect him monkeys, when your shithole inevitably devolves into civil war we can invade you and force you to civilize.


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I want this guy to win just for the lulz. First world SJW's don't know about him yet, but when he is actually leading a major country and starts saying the sorts of the things that he says I guarantee that liberal heads will be exploding in all of the western countries.

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VOTE 17!!!!!!!!!

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I've read his policies. It sounds to me like he wants to gut Brazil for Trump's benefit and then retire to Florida.

he's got my vote

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of course you read

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Why do brazilians hate themselves so much?

We don't.

Probably because it's way too hot here. Our brains are fried.

Then why do you consistently make horrible decisions that are of detriment to your entire country?

He's not going to be elected, no need to tell what is good for us.

They said the same about Trump and populism is on the rise.

Name a better candidate for Brazil

Haddad is a populist too, Brazil isn't a democracy so Bolsonaro has no chance of winning.

Ciro ou Amoedo

Ciro serious ???

>Brazilians could have chosen a strong, stable, development-minded social democrat
>Instead they decided to devolve into petty squabbling over which corrupt populist retard is worse

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Ciro the dictatorship apprentice that told he studied in Harvard?

But the B guy is a social democrat

Why are governments other than social democratic ones allowed to exist, honestly? Is it because of us?

I agree, brazil needs right win leader who will kick out all shitskins back to their muslim shitholes


>punching a reporter and calling for his arrest
>calling Bolsonaro fascist and nazi

Attached: cornão caught in the act.webm (1000x562, 1.11M)

Based. Non-social democratic subhumans do not deserve rights because they are always wrong.

Corno isn't social democrat, Bolsonaro is the social democrat.

Lula. The rightful leader being illegally detained.

Says the retard

The social-democratic that represents the old farming oligarch. He'll government for them.


Bolsonara is a conservative that will implement a libertarian economy, open the market, send corrupt companies that just give loss to government etc

state-owned companies

Considering the right is making a comeback in latam, they probably will elect him

this, people has gotten really tired of populism so they are voting for right now, then they find out the right is even worse than populism

it's like a never ending cycle

populism doesnt mean left wing retard

bolsonaro is also a populist

So why his vice is always saying anti-populist things?

name one thing that is "populist"

Competition must be stamped out.

what is his policies?

isn't america devolving into a 3rd world country by the day?

shitting on minorities even harder than before, basically

I only feel sorry for indigenous tribes tho

He's in favor of the labor and the pension reform

It would be nice to elect this crazy dude to end the meme that Brazil is a LGBT multicultural happiness paradise where all races and genders love each other and slap all the liberals of the world right in the face. But at the same time i don't want to give his supporters the taste of victory, so...


Haddad is the best candidate, prove me wrong.

Sorry for what they're a bunch of bums stealing lands and wrongly charging for tolls

Fuck off, Commies.

Para de usar proxy, macaco

Haddad is just more Lula though. And some conspiratards are claiming Haddad can do a face-heel turn and pull a Stalin and literally keep Lula in jail while pushing for his own agenda of conquering Brazil.

Bolsonaro is leading between all minorities but black people.

does he want to abolish native reservations

>social democrat
Stopped reading there.

These reservations have a lot of mineral wealth and the indigenous people basically do nothing with the land.

Vocês sabem que se ele ganhar, comunistas não vão voltar ao poder tão cedo, não é?

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Gays chorando todoonde no caralivro

Why do brazilians hate "the left"?

Is he anti LGBT or what

Because the left

Got it?

13 years of PT
struggling economy
systematic corruption
socially liberal policies

>Why do brazilians hate "the left"?

Mexicans will hate the left too. Just wait until AMLO ruin your country next year.

so yes he does?

Mexico is already ruined

He will make Mexico 10 times worse, believe me.

>I don't like him, he a retard

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He's shown up in various mainstream publications. WSJ, The Hill, The Atlantic. Vice did a hit piece on him, too. The western SJWs have been busy with Kavanaugh, Quebec, AFD and Sweden Democrats. He's worse than Trump in certain ways. The idea of living in a world in which they get to shake hands as heads of state is amazing.

What's the matter, Leaf? Need another taste of Trump's hickory switch?

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t. third world narco paramilitary shithole

How so?

>socially liberal policies
whats wrong with that

seething incels get incredibly mad when they can’t tell people what they can or can’t do

what's wrong with giving niggers gibs just because "they wuz all slavez n sheit"?

Social democrats are the most authoritarian people out there. They'll try to ruin your life if they feel you aren't 110% on board with whatever nonsense they are peddling that day.

That does not answer the question. Also the paramilitary thing was a thing until 2012, slowpoke. Btw there's nothing wrong with it

>there’s nothing wrong with murdering random peasants and pretending they were gommies!

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peasants had it coming


>why do brazilians hate the left
Pretty sure hating the left is a worldwide thing. It doesn't help the fact that leftist parties are always volatile as fuck. They can try joining forces in order to defeat right parties but the cracks start showing at time record