Serious Discussion: Bitcoin Cash

Do you think Bitcoin Cash would be a stronger cryptocurrency without Roger Ver?


Attached: bcas.jpg (800x635, 39K)

Normies don't give a shit about any of these behind the scenes people. All they care about is if they can spend crypto on beer and pizza

It'll eventually crash anyway. Ver's perceived status definitely helped kickstart it. One things for sure though, bcash and Ver are finished in the crypto world. He appears on the same level as a cheesy 90's mlm scammer nowadays.

It wouldnt make a difference. The coin would still be the fucking same

Bitcoin cash is not a cult, it doesnt fucking matter who the promenant fucking figure heads are.
There is no person or group in control. No leader

Ver may be a whinny little libertarian (read: extremely fucking greedy) but he has done a lot for Bitcoin and he understands a currency will simply fail if it can't be used as a currency. This 'store of value' nonsense is absolutely ridiculous.

Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin as it remains unkiked and I think Ver's backing has been very helpful for Bitcoin (BCH) and crypto in general.

Do people still care about bch.

This. we are all bitcoin, its distributed. This is no single point of failure. Ver is just the most public figure at the moment, he won't be forever. More and more people are getting excited about bitcoin(BCH) every day, and publishing youtube tutorials that are growing adoption and growing the network. Bitcoin CASH is the real bitcoin that follows the white paper and functions like the bitcoin I used to use back in 2013 to buy beers and send money to friends overseas.

Reminder of the obvious: BlocksTreamCoin(BTC) is an impostor fake-bitcoin science fair project.

Attached: ImperialBcash.jpg (1920x1080, 1007K)

Considering BCH is the actual real Bitcoin, yes people care and will continue to care. It ain't going away because of some low tier kike FUD.

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I made that picture why tf did you change the file name from imperialbch to imperialbcash

>4th in marketcap
>"Do peoples still care"

I'm sorry but we're donating your brain to science. This abuse is uncalled for

Still getting just'd by the mighty dogecoin in volume I see. But keep telling yourself how "excited" people are kek.

No, because the entire point of decentralised leaderlesd trustless movements is that none of that shit matters at all. And, if you look past all the character assassination bullshit, in his case he actually seems like a good man.

to trol you

see attached for how filenames get saved. so every file you save has to be renamed. I was in a hurry and just put bcash to troll the trollers

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$250k eoy

Well it wouldn't exist without him and jihan and their money. However him and CSW are clearly the most damaging thing for bch of late. Both btc and bch are dumpster fires hopefully they both die and are replaced.

fuck no, roger is our best asset. he brings the entire country of japan and pretty much

This is unrealistic. I get the core likes to lie and pretend that everyone is on board with their scaling roadmap, but there is zero doubt that is a lie. It's a sabotage of the original plan, even discussing it was heavily censored, and they ran a multi year suppression campaign to delay it for as long as they did, but it was simply eventually inevitable and anyone telling themselves different is just plain clueless.
Absolutely everybody who understands what happened and don't directly benefit from the sabotage correctly recognise it was in fact sabotage, so of course eventually somebody would simply hard fork successfully, no matter the objections and suppression campaigns.

ver is behind a few other forks, they all failed
pretty obvious he and the chink mining cartel only care about profit

Good, the pursuit of profit is exactly how a proper cryptocurrency network should operate.

It's like all the Core tards who think people should run their computers 24/7 for free to act as a node while miners are making money hand over fist, fuck that, pay for my electricity and yeah i'll do it.

raspberry pi uses like no power...

Raspberry pis don't contribute to the network either

Literally no one wants to do that you stupid nigger

I assure you they do not

they are integral for a trustless triple entry system

So will they buy me a $35 raspberry pi to do it then?

Seriously how can Corecucks argue 3rd worlders are too poor with slow internet to handle a measly 1MB block increase yet they want them to shell out a week's wage to run a node to keep things decentralized?

Come back down to reality, very few people will just do things for shits and giggles unless there is an incentive, Bitcoin is not a charity.

Why do faggot bcunts misrepresent everything?

Do you realize almost nobody even knows who that is? And most of those who know a "Roger Ver" exists only know the name, nothing more, they've never seen any video of him or read anything he's written.

Yeah basically my point.

Attached: bch realthing.png (321x364, 111K)

Low iq bcore tards detected. If your shits not usable as money it's worthless.
>Muh digital gold
>muh 70% down from ATH store of value

Attached: digitalgolde.png (292x310, 31K)

corekeks kys