Robinson Property update

Hi guys,

Back again with an update. Please note that I’ll have another update shortly (1-2 weeks).

Attached: 33FE4F88-6754-4491-B852-A4E4C9662524.jpg (1575x2100, 692K)

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is this real?

wow what faggots. they should kill themselves. REQ should tell them to fuck off and/or fuck their shit up from a distance. of course REQ are cucks and they wont, but this is exactly the kind of entitled boomer bullshit crypto was created to forcefully circumvent

shitty shop, pajeet

Yes it's real

Well from what I can gather, REQ's legal team are not rolling over. They look like they're willing to fight it the whole way.

you left out a comma in the first paragraph after request network. LARP better.

Spreading false information to alter the price of a coin is actually illegal per the CFTC. Reported (and I'm deadly serious by the way, they are giving out money for reporting stuff like this).

Enjoy OP.

Good user. Fuck these faggots that are mass fudding Req. Tell me where to report them, I'll jump on it as well.


Haha, OP is going to jail.

Don't be upset because your crypto coin is about to get rolled by a real business.

Should I filter "Robinson" now?

ha then biz is over

fuckin pussy

I personally know Mr Neville secretary, Stacy, and she says that the meeting was really weird and creepy, Request offices were full of indians barely speaking english, and their lawyer, a certain Pravik Pajeet, was sweating profusely while mumbling something about "another fucking Confido".
Btw she just blew me, shit was so cash.

Can confirm that never happened. He doesn't have a secretary called Stacy.

Don't plug it in, it's laced with malware to steal your shit.
>t. Jow Forums

Thanks good sir

U mad ahahaha, reported too. I want my bounty.

>SEC get out REEEEE
>w-wait, spreading FUD is illegal save me daddy government
coin cucks are pathetic

Attached: 1519173151814.png (1280x720, 1.11M)

I want the government out of crypto, but at the same time i'm willing to leverage something that can net me up to 100k by just reporting cucks on Jow Forums lol.