tfw no bf
tfw no white gf
become gay
You better be male
Germoids are fighting wow just wow, I thought all Germans were friends now what
stop being gay, mexico, that's an order
who is this
i am sadly
are you the gay guy from guanajuato?
raise your testosterone levels
it's not fighting. he is quite sad person I think
I think he has no friends only this thread so he is always here when I look
It is 5:30 in the morning!!!! what the hell
If you want a gf, the first step is to pursue virtue. No woman worth having will want you unless you are a man worth having.
>become gay
the other one is most likely a w*stoId alman who is easily manipulated, so there's that
don't do it
Why do you post so many Mexican women?
I was born 100% hetero, but chose to be this way.
no, sorry bro
>It is 5:30 in the morning!!!! what the hell
Wow what the hell indeed!
both of you guys go to bed!!!
in fact it's the first time I post in this general
>tfw i will never look like that
This is the advice I always give to the men of r9k to get them a gf.
S= Sexiness
P= Passion
I= Independence
C =Coolness
E =Experience*
*not necessarily sexual, cool your gets
Follow these and you WILL get a gf!!
What if you want a bf? Just dont be fat and/or single mother.
how do i tell a girl that i'm not interested in being in a relationship with her without hurting her feelings
Incels rise up!
Germans germans go to bed
Germans germans rest your head
Germans germans time to sleep
Germans germans count some sheep
Tell her she's very ugly.
"I'm not looking for a relationship atm / too busy so it wouldn't be fair to the girl"
Tell her that you think she's ugly
Why aren't YOU posting Mexican women?
"I'm sorry I don't feel the same way about you"
She will cry but thats natural, dont worry about it. She'll get over it and move on eventually.
Disagree--saying you are too busy or "not now" means she is going to wait around. Say you don't feel the same way.
I'm hyper from the night
That's not how the average Mexican woman looks like
>I'm hyper from the night
>"not now" means she is going to wait around
feelings not hurt
>Say you don't feel the same way.
feelings hurt
"Soft no" answers (I'm busy, I'm not looking right now) always put off letting someone down in short term but increase the pain long term.
Tear the bandage off "I don't like you like that".
Honesty is the best policy. Just sincerely express you have no romantic feelings for her.
before uni i was like you. instead of Jow Forums i wasted my time in wow and lied about a good life and gf
but then I went to the gym, started smoking and got friend.
I'm really happy
try it instead of wasting nights of your life
Her feelings aren't hurt because she is sitting around with her hopes up until they crash back down eventually. Unless you WANT to keep her hopes up, don't say "not now".
>started smoking
No idea how people start smoking in 2018. Guess there will always be a new batch of retard zoomers to market to
I already told you it's the first time I post in this general
It's quite stupid to assume you know something about me when this is an anonymous message board
based and tobaccopilled, keep it up
literally nothing wrong with smoking
why do Germans stare so much.
I used to work at a cheap hotel.
A female guest arrived, her English was good, but I could tell she was German. I didn't ask for her nationality.
Anyways, her female friend comes to the hotel, both of them start speaking German, I understood only a little bit.
And because I wanted to practice my German, I said "Verstehst du Englisch?",
She repies "Was?", so I repeated my self and she understood me, but instead of saying yes or no, she just stared at me like she had autism for 6 seconds.
So why do your people stare so much?
>started smoking
weed and shisha you idiots
it's how you socialise
Tom Brady will never be my friend
she thought you are cute
She was confused that you didn't play along in her game of "I don't understand you, I'm a tourist haha xD"
almans also tend to take rules too literally, so staring is seen as being EVEN MORE social than a natural amount of eye contact
Drugs are how you make shitty company bearable instead of finding quality humans to spend time with.
Wyf I love Germany now
litttterally true, but like what are you going to do on thanksgiving etc? cant find a more quality family then your own so bottoms up.
But she's not. She's actually cute but we have nothing in common and we're pretty much complete opposites, and not in the good way
She's already acting like we're a couple for some reason. Like she really *really* likes me. But she hasn't explicitly said she's in love or that she has a crush on me, but it's pretty clear, I think. Should I wait for her to confess her feelings to tell her I don't feel the same way?
The average woman doesn't look like pic related either, what's your point?
Who are they?
Or did misspelled it?
grandma offered me a cig the other day but I turned it down
hahaha just ignore that bitch just GHOST HER L0L what the fuck nigga hahahahahahaha IGNORE her texts
I rarely see anyone other than immediate family on holidays, and I live with my immediate family so we eat dinner together all the time.
Ask "do you like me?". itll be a rough conversation and she will guarantee cry but know its not a bad thing that sometimes people cry. give her a big hug and tell her that you are sorry and you don't feel the same way.
I am a crybaby and I cry all the time. it does hurt. but its not the end of the world.
don't listen to this FUCKBOI, ignore that BITCH L0L
Tell her that you hate her personality
he means Germans. he's either a turk or one of those weeaboos that want to be asian and hate germany
>what are you going to do on thanksgiving etc?
step outside and remind yourself that the universe will die eventually and not even the century you live in will be remembered so your problems are really meaningless in the end
with this thought in mind you will be able to forgive your family for being bad thanksgiving company
These are your average white girls in NA.
I love and forgive my family 10000% for being bad thanksgiving company.
I am still going to drink a few beers though to make that bad thanksgiving company less bad,
we have disgusting weeaboos here aswell
"almans" is a derogatory term for Germans. It's literally Arab for "German" but used with a negative connotation
it's used mostly by muslim foreigners but I use it to distinguish myself from w*st Germans lacking self-awareness
>that beast on the right
she has no doubt had multiple CHAD boyfriends
how can you compete???
That woman is ugly.
You have terrible taste.
Why the fuck are there germs in /cum/?
then I don't see a problem here
You don't have a ball in your sack if you don't post some hot thots.
curious, any interesting stories while working there?
I think gringo or white boi would be a good equivalent
Is gringo a derogatory term?
i hate this fucking song because i relate to it too fucking much, when did my life take its turn for the worst
mid 19th century: Spanish, literally ‘foreign, foreigner, or gibberish,’
(in Spanish-speaking countries and contexts, chiefly in the Americas) a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.
It means literally "foreigner" but I think it has a slightly negative connotation as well and also that it is mostly used for white (American) foreigners
whats so wrong with you
I do not use this word as an insult, in spanish Americano refers to the entire American continent, and the correct way to say "American" is estadounidense which is quite long, therefore we say gringo just becasue it's shorter,
Yes, one time I took a Canadian female tourist to her bedroom, and some dude was smoking weed, I looked at here an laughed.
1 hour later she comes to me and asked if I knew where to buy some weed, she was pretty cool
not enough ass.
squar, nice trips
i cant dab
but seriously i just cant talk to people and i dont know why. its not that i dont want to talk to them or i cant, its just that i dont feel like i have the need to. because of this i literally have no friends my family even stopped talking to me
interesting, worst/best tourists?
My feet are freezing reeee I was suppose to exercise today but I didn't
My sister went to Mexico for her honeymoon and had an amazing time.
It doesn't have to be a hateful term but depending on the way it's used it can be. It's the same with alman.
my sisters dating a mexican guy that knows how to make good bread
sounds like the 80s or whenever metal was a thing. its too hard for me to judge.
So why are you in /cum/?
There was a group of spanish tourist who were so cheap they made a BIG deal becasue they made a reservation on booking and the price on that website did not include tax.
So... when they had to pay more money they got really pissed.
BTW the difference was like 50 pesos.
thanks that's huge
I dated a Mexican guy I think its the most common form of "interracial" relationship in the USA. (More half interracial than full interracial imho)
Are u those kind of people who spends hours in a store to get only two items?
Are you trying to say that Mexicans are white?
You need some nice thick socks
more like homoracial heh heh
you hear that, tone? i said more like homoracial, it's a double entendre cause he's a mexican and gay
tfw no interracial relation with a white man
i mean i don't really care hes a nice guy