ANTIFA in Greece vandalized the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

ANTIFA in Greece vandalized the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Attached: 6B461D1E-7A02-4C8F-B7CC-9A9FB5917658.jpg (422x767, 63K)

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For what reason?

Why would you do that, retards


Another epic redpill dropped o the normies my fellow MAGApede! Antifa are the REEEL fashists!!

Attached: 1538231308489.gif (320x175, 2.33M)

>Another epic redpill dropped o the normies my fellow MAGApede! Antifa are the REEEL fashists!!

Attached: 1537839096844.png (640x550, 235K)

Fuck off you leftoid scum, fascists are based and redpilled right wingers while Antifa are cringe and blue pilled Leftwingers

^he's right you know

cringe, but definitely redpilled

Some poor guy will have to clean that up

Nobody said that, but seeth more amerimutt

And that's a good thing!

I can't wait to paint the streets red with the blood of communists in my country.

Based. Hang the capitalists and their fascist dogs.

Yeah if you can roll your fat ass out of the basement LOL

for what purpose

>implying Capitalists don't fund these "commies" and "anarchists"
you are their puppets

Capitalism uses fascism when it stagnates. Fascism is nothing more other than capitalist reaction.

fascism is anti-capitalist
communist is anti-capitalist
European antifa/demsoc/pink communist are not anti-capitalist, they are castrato

Not exactly THE tomb of the unknown soldier, it's a monument for the fallen of a specific area. From the looks of it it is in some dark park so nobody was there to see the people who did this. It was probably some paki trying to impress his Greek anarchist m80s.

>fascism is anti-capitalist
No, they never did anything against capitalism despite all their high rhetoric.
>European antifa/demsoc/pink communist are not anti-capitalist
They're too small to have any impact, others are just bourgeois center leftists.

All six of them?

Antifascism is class collaboration

It deludes the working class into believing that the "good" liberal capitalism is better than the "bad" fascist capitalism

fascism and liberal democracy are two forms of the same system

liberalism is fascism with kid gloves on

the struggle against fascism begins with the struggle against democracy

Americans should stop posting
they completely broke with the global capitalist system and made total war upon it.
it is corporatist but not capitalist.
Fascism and Marxist-leninism stem from the same ideological source, Sorelianism and anti-democratic mass action ideologies.

lumping everything into "Fascism" is disingenuous and only hurts any attempts to address real issues.
Fascism is a different enemy of Communism than Liberal Democracy is and has different goals.

Unknown as the soldier was, it is more than likely he was a filthy nazi fascist racist.

>they completely broke with the global capitalist system
Nope, eventually they just pushed the wrong buttons and made enemies with the wrong people.
Fascism has never been an enemy of capitalism.

The fascists didn't 'break from the capitalist system' kek.

Nazi Germany still had American businesses operating within its borders DURING the war.

And now, social programs and public spending doesn't make you anti-capitalist, unless you want to argue FDR's America and every welfare state in the world is anti-capitalist

cringe capitalism

This is the essence of leftism.
Never forget.

>we can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old
I don't generally support antifa since they're generally just angsty liberal democrats, but yes, the essence of the communist movement is the destruction of the present state of things. Nothing wrong with that.