We finally get out this from spain

in Spain LaLiga,

The jap war crime flag was officially banned.

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Fuck K*rea

I thought it was only used by the SDFN?

This kills the weeaboos, fuck them in their asses with a long metal bar!

we just want to erase that flag on the earth

Do you like to hear a story of the madman?

Are you provoking Japan?
Do not discriminate against Japan.

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In fact, Japan is within the range of South Korea's missile

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The government system of Chinese Communist Party will collapse before 2030.
Korean needs to have a vision.

cant korea and japan get along, or no?

Would all of our puppets please stop fighting?

Banning stuff just makes them more appealing.

The rising sun is the same as Germany's iron cross, an old symbol that doesn't have a political alignment
This would be more of a swastika equivalent

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couldn't be more true, based s*xon

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Look, the Khans are nazis

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koreans are too SJW

keep an eye on what the SJW ridden future is like


한국 해군 함정 3 척, 다음달 초 일본의 사세보에 사과 입항.

>keep an eye on what the SJW ridden future is like

Not being autistic bug people who cling to their bizarre sense of nationalism even if it means defending freezing peoples’ limbs off for fun and raping civilians?


Three Korean naval vessels entered the port early next month, apologizing to Sasebo in Japan.

I agree, the swastika is a political flag.

nah they are just butthurt out of MASSIVE inferiority complex towards japan

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You're misunderstanding

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Japanese Rising Sun = German Iron Cross

Germany is using the Iron Cross now.
So Japan can use the Rising Sun.

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why gook start to say this ?

Gook is as a japan army. killed many chinks during WW2
gook have no right to say it

This is Koreans in 1941 when Japan was fighting against China.
Korean, Japan never forget your friendship. Thank you.

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Wasn't the current flag the flag back then?

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give me some korean pussy please

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Since they didn't kill jews nobody really cares

yep, but gooks are too butthurt and dumb to understand that

youre right
sun rise flag was used as naval ensign or the symbol of fishers. Not represent of inperialism.
but most of koreans are misunderstanding. i don't know what "war crime flag" means lol

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nobody cares about the glorious japanese flag but you chinks OP