Okay you gotta admit this was pretty based

Okay you gotta admit this was pretty based.

Attached: British_Empire_1921.png (1425x625, 31K)


It was pretty based you can't deny that

Attached: 1538236651866.jpg (1280x909, 380K)

god i love being an anglo, i'd probably kill myself if i was anything else

Attached: 075c89849ffd6dd58dd0bbbd57b86b39003b68725dde86e69790af61d355a5d4.jpg (800x585, 149K)

Colonial empires are piss ugly clusterfucks. This was based.

Attached: The_Russian_Empire_en.png (3121x1585, 641K)

Budet kom på en kall vinternatt
Carolus finns ej mer
Hemåt fränder
Över fjäll, genom bitande köld går marschen
De går med sänkta huvuden
Död, vänter Armfeldt och män
Död, kungens män, vänder hemåt igen
Fränder, bröder, vår stormaktstid är över
Vårt rike blöder, fanan står i brand
Aldrig, aldrig, aldrig återvända
Svea stormaktstid till ända
Ambition och en strikt religion
Drev svensken uti krig
Hårda tider
För sitt land, tog han vapen i hand
Ett liv för rikets väl
Krig, givit allt vi förmår
Krig, dödens år, satt sitt spår, vi består
De togs förgivet
Bragda om livet
Vem lät det hända
Stormaktstid til ända

god i fucking wonder who's behind this post

And redpilled.

>Conquered a bunch of shitskins
>Proceed to fill your country with it

>make """"empire"""" by shooting primitive locals who only have spears and bows in every shithole in the world
>when european war breaks out shit yourself and hide on your island for 5 years waiting for slavs and your former colony to save you


okay this is epic

the one time you identify as one in the same with rooskies

Poles are germanized russians anyway

>muh slavs saved the day
poles didn't do shit except get wrecked (by other slavs for that matter lmao), and russians would have been useless without anglo backing.

Attached: 29062714_2025083447732142_1347530394093748224_n.png (748x678, 137K)

also the abos here threw a spear at the first ship they saw before we'd even landed, so everything we did thereafter was a mere act of self-defence/retaliation.

Canada Australia and NZ should have been fully integrated into the UK though.

Your empire sucked. Gott strafe England.

Attached: Untitled.png (1285x899, 397K)

there isn't a strong enough anglo identity to make it work, but there are strong brit/canadian/aussie/nz identities that make sense to form a state around

Poles fought on every single front of european WW2, especially notable are Battle of Monte Cassino and Battle of Falaise Pocket, not to mention the battle of britain
ofc anglo paid then back by giving them bill for supplies used during Battle of Britain and selling Poland to Stalin, behind the iron curtain for the next 50 years

i think i may have struck a nerve

I hate every single one of those countries.

You have no idea what "based" mean, do you?

This was more based

Attached: 1200px-French_Empire_17th_century-20th_century.png (1200x553, 183K)

you're like a little baby, watch this

Attached: 1521751765871.png (2753x1399, 688K)

>UK population 1921: ~40 million
>British empire population 1921: ~458 million

How the frick did they do it

Attached: sghwhat.jpg (553x513, 35K)

India, and the absolute loose canons occupied it with less than 80 000 troops because they used Indians as the army to occupy themselves

the only impressive thing was India, the rest was empty wasteland

So why did they lose all of it to inferior people?

I have no idea

Attached: file.png (289x292, 96K)

If it was based then why did it collapsed?

because they were retarded and chose to fight the only more based country there was instead of allying it

It's just too much to maintain such a large widespread empire.

Armies of Sikh Empire and Maratha Empire were well trained and were well equipped with guns and cannons.

Attached: ac419f94fc382cb138444cea21cb5a8c.jpg (707x960, 78K)

Yes because the Indian ruling class sold everyone else out to the British.

That guy rose to power due to Jewish meddling and because you were dicks to him when he painted.

Attached: drespepe.png (1240x869, 1.08M)

I am sure Dresden will trigger Ivan

Attached: prototypical russian.jpg (768x1024, 167K)

>german flag
>hates Britain
>loves Russia
I can't believe Volga lad is still going at it. What a genuinely warped and likely incurable mind.

Nothing impressivr besides Egypt i reckon.
Try to conquer hormuz , goa and mallaca outnumbered and outgunned with wooden vessels then we speak.

>Malay and Brunei

>Primitive tribes


>shooting primitive locals who only have spears and bows in every shithole in the world
wrong. pic is when we hit the P*rtug*y way before bong reached here.

Attached: alam melayu meriam istinggar.jpg (1200x630, 96K)

Most of the empire was conquered from other European powers

Sikhs are based lads.
> tfw no Sikh army to kick mudslimes out of Europe :(

>pic is when we hit the P*rtug*y
That never happened though

Attached: 80E76453-4FC1-488F-87BA-C89DFB5A8FCC.jpg (411x1086, 322K)

only india was impressive. Rest were waste lands with no humans.

>an empire based on serfdom
why not just shoot bullets into both of your feet while you're at it? same result

Attached: absolutely french.jpg (600x450, 36K)

you've mastered Russian logic. the CIA has a job for you as a spy, let me know when you'd like to start working

this is accurate
The British Empire basically followed the Netherlands and France and hoovered up all of their sloppy seconds semen, ex. Australia, New York, Canada

recycling semen is highly efficient

It' chronicled in detailed in Malay on how the Kelings mutts betrayed the Malaccans by giving info to port*g*ys.

Their only impressive conquest was the conquest of India.

>poland stronk
>wahhh why didn't you SAVE us from STALINNN


Impossible, far too much distance with the technology of the time meaning it takes too long for information to be sent back and forth. It would be the absolute definition of overextension and if the colonies didn't have autonomy they'd have revolted for it. Like how even in the modern day many rural people in large countries like ours have disdain over being governed by people sitting in a capital they're nowhere near, it's like that but magnified.

>Colonial empires are piss ugly clusterfucks
>flag which had a meme tier minuscule """empire""" for only two decades


Attached: 1527176293596s.jpg (250x198, 5K)

>Russian empire
>not colonial

lol how can you even consider Spain part of that you guys did not only fail to take control but only lasted like 10 years or less in a "position of power"

90% of it was shitholes though