How bad is Chechnya?

How bad is Chechnya?

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Other urls found in this thread:суздаль&oq=суздаль&gs_l=img.12..0l2j0i30k1l8.385660.385660.0.387092.архангельск, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland/@63.6874184,34.4917922,5.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553Великий Устюг Ustjug, Oblast Wologda, Russland/@60.8479462,45.3731337,8.5z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!2sArchangelsk, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553!3m4!1s0x4400d2885c0d2637:0x3d7431c665c662b8!8m2!3d60.7685497!4d46.307373киров кировская областьШаблово Oblast Kostroma, Oblast Kostroma, Russland, 157451/@58.910064,43.9836528,11z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!2sArchangelsk, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553!3m4!1s0x4154d7dafd47cc73:0xdf1a8ad56d3cfd9b!8m2!3d58.9174099!4d44.145813Рыбинск, Russland/@52.7289322,41.3660432,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4139143b9cfe011d:0x84dab8189e36a7ff!8m2!3d52.723598!4d41.4423062Тамбов, Oblast Kostroma, Russland/@57.7774138,40.7807865,11z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4139143b9cfe011d:0x84dab8189e36a7ff!2sTambow, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d52.723598!4d41.4423062!3m4!1s0x46ad4ff11964c7bb:0xe547e104bd9b4c6e!8m2!3d57.7774467!4d40.9707642Кострома

It's fine if you are Chechen and not gay. Please don't go, I don't wanna lose you, Tyrone

you cant open a business without the racket, youre fucked either way if youre from a different clan than the leading one, if putin makes a call, kadyrovs men go around looking for anyone to make an example of, so you might get disappeared along with your family if they ask questions, the terrorists might harass you into shit, which in return makes your entire family a target
Some Chechens that live there say its fucked up and not really nice. Other chechens say that they are improving somewhat and its not all that bad, considering they can travel elsewhere in russia for work and stuff.
There are no faggots there. A faggot is a person possessed by satan that let go of himself and became degenerate because he couldnt ignore the calls of satan
if a man has that anomaly, satan tries to exploit it, but ordinary men can ignore it and continue life as normal men
but then again, there arent that many chechens in the world
Dagestanis are far better people than chechens. Chechens have no respect for anything, Dagestanis are far better people than them. Dagestanis argue and fight fair, chechens dont they dont articulate themselves easily and look very childish and irresponsible trying to hide their insecurity and sadness with acts of violence against the weaker ones, or in larger numbers to portray themselves as tough
this in result makes them susceptible to manipulation they arent even aware of, in the end making them harm themselves at their enemies amusement and interest
the kadyrov clan is proof of it

Post boipussi

The only republic in russia who doesn't fear to fight russia.

nobody fears to fight russia

I do

well then, nobody feared to fight russia in the 90s

wow. that sounds like a life in Bosnia..

But that was in russia lowest point,i'm not saying they are the red army again but they are little bit better than in the 90

I'd be afraid. But that's mostly because a fight between us and Russia would probably end the world. Also, nice dubs.

hate speech.. reported.

Today is the Russia's lowest point.

>but they are little bit better than in the 90

Nope, Russian army in the 1990s was basically a remnant of the Soviet Army, just a bit smaller.

>Today is the Russia's lowest point.

hate speech . reported.

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>a fight between us and Russia would probably end the world.
The impression I get from most Americans with internet access is the USA could single-handedly defeat a Russia-China-NorthKorean coalition without facing any major casualties on the home front.

its great that they think that way

>the red army again

The red army hasn't won a single war in its history. They're losers who got beaten even by poles and finns.

Most Americans are pretty delusional about our military strength. Such a war would be a terrible thing for every living creature on this earth.

What about Berlin and Machuria?

dont talk to her

What about WWII?


russian internet is more social than american..

Can i talk to you instead?

no, i made more post here than this thread deserves

They also think they single-handedly won WW2 without any help from others. Americans don't seem particularly bright or humble to me

>The red army hasn't won a single war in its history

hate speech. reported.

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Would you sit on my face?

what is chechenya?

There's the Russian Civil war for starters.

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>USA could single-handedly defeat a Russia-China-NorthKorean coalition without facing any major casualties on the home front.

But they really could. I'm sure, Americans could win a non-nuclear military conflict with Russia within several weeks facing no major casualties at all, like during invasion of Iraq. I don't know much about Chinese military capabilities, but the fact that their air forces are still using Mig-21 planes designed 60 years ago says a lot.

Lend-lease and assistance of Americans and Brits. Without them USSR would've been conquered by Hitler in 1941.


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>Without them USSR would've been conquered by Hitler in 1941.

bullshit speech.. reported..

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WWII was won by the alliance of US, UK and France.

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underage and hate speech. reported.суздаль&oq=суздаль&gs_l=img.12..0l2j0i30k1l8.385660.385660.0.387092.

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I've read that Grozny is perfectly safe to travel to and that most Chechens are really hospitable and shit. But that sounds unlike every preconception I have about the place.

why do you want to travel there?

here Arhangelsk.архангельск, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland/@63.6874184,34.4917922,5.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553

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Arkhangelsk is a shithole... although the Solovetsky islands are comfy

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the home of russian Father Frost:Великий Устюг Ustjug, Oblast Wologda, Russland/@60.8479462,45.3731337,8.5z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!2sArchangelsk, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553!3m4!1s0x4400d2885c0d2637:0x3d7431c665c662b8!8m2!3d60.7685497!4d46.307373

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Nobody thinks this except high school dropouts.

They are white unlike Russians who have Mong*loid blood.

>Arkhangelsk is a shithole

stop talking shit. its nice polar sea port town without niggers and anglos. you can have many fun there if you like hunting and wild life hiking.

deepest russian province: Kirow

the place where american rednecks will see how civilization and hard work can make cool shit:киров кировская область

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kavkas ape-men

Russian Village Shablovo. so fucking lost in the natural reserve park of the size of Texas than google maps doesn't even have any photos of it.Шаблово Oblast Kostroma, Oblast Kostroma, Russland, 157451/@58.910064,43.9836528,11z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x441833f755c232e1:0x403eec437ac89a31!2sArchangelsk, Oblast Archangelsk, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d64.5472507!4d40.5601553!3m4!1s0x4154d7dafd47cc73:0xdf1a8ad56d3cfd9b!8m2!3d58.9174099!4d44.145813

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>its nice polar sea port town

Nope, it's disgusting shithole ridden with poverty, crime and aids, basically Uganda with snow but instead of niggers it has r*ssians (who are even worse, desu).

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Samara old town lok nice. Too bad about cheesy commie statues.

When you look at the rivers network in russia and how far the land goes you understand why russians are called riverfolk (rekahody). you can literally travel for years in russia by rivers and seas without to return back.

another russian town.Рыбинск

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hate speech reported.

also your picture proves i am right. clean place with wooden house.

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home of "Tambow monsters". Tambow mafia are counted as most dangerous fuckfaces in Russia. their victims counted by thousands dead, raped, humiliated and crippled people. they control area and trade networks around 5 different districts in south east Russia and part of Moscow., Russland/@52.7289322,41.3660432,12z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4139143b9cfe011d:0x84dab8189e36a7ff!8m2!3d52.723598!4d41.4423062

sadly the homeland of those people had nothing from their mafia wealth. it took Putin and his men over 10 years to get control of Tambow area before they were capable to start resurrection of the town itself. Locals there are pretty nice and hard working people. nice place for hiking and hunting.Тамбов

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Post boipussi please

classic russia: Kostroma, Oblast Kostroma, Russland/@57.7774138,40.7807865,11z/data=!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x4139143b9cfe011d:0x84dab8189e36a7ff!2sTambow, Russland!3b1!8m2!3d52.723598!4d41.4423062!3m4!1s0x46ad4ff11964c7bb:0xe547e104bd9b4c6e!8m2!3d57.7774467!4d40.9707642Кострома

there was also goddess she was the first Mavka / Russalka.

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>animal in flag

That's not a halal flag.

It's actually one of the wealthiest regions in Russia

>The red army hasn't won a single war in its history
They defeated white supremacism in WW2. They're doing it again today in Ukraine.

Very good. I have many chechen friends. Kadyrov is very good and cool. Chechya is cool.

Bosnija you don't have a chance agianst as

Just stop I don't want to kill Muslim serbs or Muslims

Just stop and let's drink vodka thugeter and sing turbo folk and see how the englo american sabhuman Race die slowly and the time of the slavs come to rull this world with strong hand

It's the fucked up slavic Russian mentelitet thet make as go agianst the modern world

Come on man we are Slavic brothers and I don't care if you Muslim I still will halp you in Kosovo to Remuve nato soliders

Still it's our generation and our genetics thet make as be isuleted from the rest of the world and go agianst the modern world and technology

Come home brat

Russian cave man in isreal

The time of the cave man(barbarians Gothic tectics of fighting is coming up on this sabhuman world ) :)

The end of the englo Race soon and the biggining of the east Slavic time with race

It's like we won't to go back to be cave man

man, Akiva, the strictures of your yeshiva really got to your head

>not halal

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Czechnya is white and based

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>literal Gulag camp
y'all really got your minds bended, by the commies, huh?

He's probably a Russian diaspora fag

Animals are Haram in Islamic Art except when used as part of storytelling or to depict hell.

That is why mosques are decorated with fractal-like geometric art.

Solovetsky Island is spiritual center for Christian Orthodox, there are one of the most famous monastery. There are very beautiful surroundings.

>white supremacism

Nazis weren't white supremacists.

how multicultural have you became if that is white to you?

Kill it with fire

Yes, it is comfy. You can't deny that

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>german defending russia
>russian attacking russia
is my flag code not working or something

It’s the Volga German again, the Russians are just normal

you are only mad because you are mongol tier

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Post more if you know anything similar