Pic related. Is Synth from Skycoin unironically insane? Like actually psychotic?
How does he get away with saying this shit. Anyone else would be locked in a padded cell.
The guy is living in cloud fucking cuckoo land. He's completely fucking bonkers.
The Depth of His Insanity
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If he tries to launch those cube satellite things, won't the US and Russia just shoot them down with missiles?
He sounds mentally unhinged, stay away from this scam token
thinking about picking up some sky. shill me. should i buy a skyminer?
>he thinks it won’t dump on Binance like every other coin does
>I stopped listening or considering Skycoin ever again
You'd be better off building one yourself. The waiting list is 5000+ long. It will take months to get it, maybe more than a year.
Thanks, I'll look into it
unironically just bought more. insane dev = guaranteed moon mission
>Lead dev speculates on the price of his coin
>Not a scam
sky is outdated, buy HOT. it will make blockchain obsolete.
Yes, and the CM just encourages it, its driving away some other devs. If it was not for Synth I unironically think this would be a top 5 coin in the longterm, as it is I'll ride the pump because it will go higher but its not something I'm just going to hold for years.
Skycoin will dump when it lists because pretty much everything dumps about a day after listing. Skycoin isn't immune to manipulation like every other coin out there. No one actually cares about the "technology", it's all about dumping your bags on the next idiot.
Does synth actually develop and commit code or is he just a PR man
I can't believe people are pumping this shitcoin. Their github is completely empty. Invest in REAL coins like Oyster SHL on Kucoin!
Fuck you redditor fags. I bought this coin at 5USD because some user posted his rant about how the Fed is run by pedo cannibals. I then double down after the crash at 8 USD. Sitting on 4K SKY sand 6MM coinhours while Redditor fags like you debate back and forth about how you can invest in someone who offends your sensibilities so much.
Crypto was built on the backs of pedos, drug dealers and nazis who think Jews control the banks, if you don’t like that get the fuck out. But stop trying to sterilise this place with your “guys why can’t we just focus on being nice and all having gainz” mentality.
>Fed is ran by pedo cannibals
Broken clock. I'm talking about how he accuses anyone who disagrees him of being CIA.
Nobody owns space.
That won't stop the superpowers from shooting down his Borg Cubes. Regardless of who owns the space, they're not just going to sit back and let that sort of firepower be amassed above the planet. And what's Synth going to do about it when they're blown out of the sky... sue Putin?
thats not how the world works kid
Who knows what these skycubes will be capable of. They're being designed by a literal maniac. My guess is he'll fit them with some sort of high-powered laser, ostensibly for 'communication' purposes but in reality with the ability to target anyone who gets in his way. Would you honestly be happy knowing there was a fleet of these drones hovering above your head? Synth could literally create a battalion of these things, thousands of Borg-style cube satellites beaming death rays down anywhere on the planet, vaporizing anyone who stands against him. That's not my idea of a utopian future desu.
How much would it cost to launch these death cube things, surely he couldn’t afford to get more than a dozen or so up there? But yeah, still a scary thought. Too much power in the hands of one man IMHO.
Stop posting these fucking images. They're cringey as fuck and they aren't helpful since they exaggerate the project's purpose.
t. holding since $14
this is how the Borg are created in this timeline
It's important for prospective investors to understand just how much of a crackpot Synth really is.
>Skycoin at sats ATH
>Still complains about lead dev
The absolute state.
They don't really show that Synth is or isn't smart, just that some retard can't put information together without splicing in stupid references. I like Princess Bride and Stargate as much as the next guy, but it's just so dumb.
This. This guy. The ugly fukn truth. Screencapping this is gold.
>information together with
>splicing in stupid references
You just described memes.
You could not be more wrong about what crypto was started from. Early crypto was cypherpunks that hoped to make the world a better place by freeing people to control their own money and finances. Banking the unbanked. Basically the complete opposite of Nazis. The Jews controlling banks nonsense is just some stupid Jow Forums meme.
You're proposing that we should use loaded buzzwords to communicate rather than concise language. Okay autistic so᠌yboy.
Communicate with who? This is Jow Forums, not a UN presentation.
>doesn't like or agree with everything dev says
>calls it scam coin
>stays poor
I'll keep my 1k sky. From my cold, dead hands, you're not getting it fudders.
Anyone wanna help this goy out?
>The Jews controlling banks nonsense is just some stupid Jow Forums meme.
heres your (You) dumb reddit nigger
> complaining about memes on Jow Forums
Is Skycoin actually illegal?
wtf are u on about
I mean the space cube things, are they breaking any laws?
I stayed away from Skycoin because of this lunatic but maybe I was looking at it completely backwards
There's no way this project that promises to be everything to everyone is bullshit. Time to go all in.
There are no cube things. There never will be. You think this autist is going to launch a satellite? He cant even launch a VPN.
That's the Libertarian wet dream, but in actual practice, which is what bolsters and builds a currency, it's literally built on drug dealers and whoever is edgy enough to get themselves banned from credit card processors, like Wikileaks.
fuck me
I really want to buy this coin now holy fuck
why did it go up 50% today though is it too late to buy
People have been putting simple labels on skycoin for a while
>centralized distribution
>too autistic dev
>500$ skywire node for 1 BTC
If you just cling to these simple things, it's easy for your mind to dismiss the whole thing without doing real research. Life isn't simple and skycoin has a lot of depth. It's doing things very differently and controversially, but holy shit.
Binance listing is live in a few hours. It's going to go up even more.
problem is, the more you go into sky, the more red flags appear
starting from richard kastelein and going on with the economic model which promotes hodl and scarcity which gives the devs the max possibility to make gains in their neverending ico
constantly mentions the dozens of teams who work on everything but you only see synth in front of a webcam or the crackhead pr-guy
one could write dozens of reddit essays about the red flags
synths background etc.
days of material about red flags all over this
Why are there no normal human beings in this entire market? Isn't that a bit of a red flag?
>Basically the complete opposite of Nazis. The Jews controlling banks nonsense is just some stupid Jow Forums meme
How do you get two things so fundamentally wrong?
just like that verge dumbass lmao
excuse me?
newsflash for the virgin-right:
nazis are communists
>How do you get two things so fundamentally wrong?
He's right though, white nationalists and Nazis had nothing to do with crypto back in the early days. It's obviously useful technology to them now but they'd be opposed to it if they were in power and the dissidents of their regime (commies) would be the ones finding it useful.
Crypto was popular with austrian-economics tier spergs and ancaps in its inception, I'm sure anti semitism played some role in some of the early adopters minds but it was a lot about replacing fiat currency for these guys. The idea of the blockchain as a decentralized database that did other things besides facilitate decentralized currency wasn't something they cared about.
>Creating a debt-free currency that releases your people from international bankers and stops them from being plundered is now communism
You know fuck all about the Nazis I presume.
>if they were in power and the dissidents of their regime (commies) would be the ones finding it useful.
This isn't true because communism is funded by international bankers, those antifa, femen, BLM etc etc organizers, are paid street muppets
Decent point I guess, even in Nazi Germany the commies weren't economically ostracized to the extent that modern day racists are in the west.
That's the thing, a "red flag" is only a conflict to what we think a "legit" project should look like.
Reality doesn't care what we think, this can become big no matter what we find odd.
my grand-grandfather was a higher tier in the ss
it's literally in the name you fucktard
the elites in the third reich only wanted to take the place of the jews, not overcome the jewness
hence the overwhelming support from everyone who could benefit
you know fuck all apart from virgin-right safespaces i presume
Nationalism socialism combines traits from fascism, socialism and capitalism. The main tenet of Communism, which is that the state has direct totalitarian control over economic processes was never a part of National Socialism; if you believe that NatSoc = Communism then you have an incredibly simplistic black & white understanding of political ideologies. Semantics, an anecdote and emotional knee-jerking are pointless and inarguable.
>The main tenet of Communism, which is that the state has direct totalitarian control over economic processes was never a part of National Socialism
lmao at you armchair academic
better read some history books
inb4 the jews wrote them
A non-argument again. Unable to prove I'm wrong? National Socialism is quite literally a third-position. It's a moderate take between the two extremes, namely Communism and Anarcho-capitalism. Here's a smug anime girl for (you)
>It's a moderate take between the two extremes, namely Communism and Anarcho-capitalism
again, lmao
>unable to prove I'm wrong?
are you retarded? you just ignore the actual outcome of the textbook ideology
history proved you wrong, should i draw you a picture or what?
>third way between communism and anarcho-capitalism
heil kekistan
You've done no research into the world banking crisis
Sunerok is a dumbass, just like Synth
How much does it pay a day?
He sounds like a tier 1 Jow Forumstard that can't control his impulses yet. Lmao.
Synth is obviously an insane genius, but is he really evil enough to destroy the world with these sky cube drones?