Hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag

>hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag
defend this aussies

Attached: pure german aussie.png (869x396, 41K)

im 1/16th prussian nordic, check my cheek bones, or lack of, fucking nordic bro, kill all mean sand niggers and chinks

>>hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag
no one said that

We all need to embrace our Anglo heritage. Any mutt that isn't at least part Anglo will be deported

Fuck lol

cringe and redpilled


Anglos are heritagefags

its just anglo*ds

Wait, why aren't all German peoples united under a single flag and empire?

Could somebody explain to me why Austria is even a separate country? Shouldn't we just give it to Germany?

Attached: question cat.jpg (400x323, 41K)

Hahahahhahaha now we get to bully all anglos and not just amerishits

They would become too powerful if we did that

Yes we should!!!!

Do you remember last time what happened?

It's because Allies are butthurt at us so they forced us to be seperate countries. Also they taughts Austrians that they are somehow different form us so now all Austrians would never want to be German

Americans are still the funniest ones

Attached: 1537664397085.jpg (856x366, 57K)

Germany and Austria are as close as Germany and Netherlands. Most Germans can't even understand Austrian dialects


The jew rejoice in seeing a divided German empire

Germans and Austrians can understand each other without any problems...

You can understand their standard dialect because it's based on platdeutsch like your's, but if you went to some village in the Austrian mountains you won't understand shit.

Unless you are Bavarian I guess, and in that case you are essentially just an ethnic Austrian with German citizenship.

He wants to divide Germany even more!

Divide to conquer

t. Austromutt

Stop being like this, jew

Stop pretending you are not a Slav'd muttling, Austrian

Why are you spreading lies? Austrians speak normal german with a dialect almost the same as bavarians. We can understand them with no problem.

You're thinking of the Swiss
But realistically though, they're all just different related Germanic tribes that were in the HRE, which was split up into 3 different countries (at least in this context). If it wasn't for the fact that standard German was artificially created, people from Munich, Zurich, Hamburg, and Berlin wouldn't be able to understand each other.
Also Dutch linguistically is considered closer to English than it is to German.

Attached: Continental_West_Germanic_languages.png (898x1166, 166K)

>but if you went to some village in the Austrian mountains you won't understand shit.
But this isn’t unique to Bavaria or Austria, we have hundreds of dialects. I wouldn’t understand germans speaking in a Frisian dialect too. By your logic everyone who speaks a dialect is not part of Germany. Why are you trying to devide the german people Jude?

>If it wasn't for the fact that standard German was artificially created, people from Munich, Zurich, Hamburg, and Berlin wouldn't be able to understand each other.
We could understand each other but it would be hard sometimes.

because the war.
anglos didnt want a united germany thats why theysplit it up
and dont listen to that eternal ashkenazi he is still butthurt

based map...a actually dutch and frisian dialects are part of german dialect groups as well...

Thatcher didnt even want West and East Germany to unite.

G*rmans are an existential threat the the european order

This. Too bad the other western euros seem so susceptible to fritz's sweet talking deception

If that's true, so is English.

Trust the Juden to know German "history" better than Germans, You created it after all.

lel, what a sperg.

it's like those white people who are 1/16th abbo you see marching in parades and talking for abbos on the news.

Ease up Jow Forumstard.

what you think people who are 1/16th abbo have an opinion but the person who is part German doesn't?

i dont know about english though

Attached: Deutsche_Dialekte.png (1653x1323, 144K)

Hot take: All the american heritage posters are actually australians incognito.

We do it as shitposting.

For some reason inciting Americans and Europeans to believe in retarded ideologies and violence on the internet is considered good fun here.

you need to be of and identify with a predominantly british heritage to be truly australian, he isn't one of us

>dutch and frisian dialects are part of german dialect groups as well...

Attached: 1395010761157.png (421x433, 239K)

If you really can understand Frisian, I'll buy you a year's worth of your favourite import.

how about you shut up about things you know nothing about? there are many dialects in germany. austrians arent harder to understand than any other dialect. should have finished the job and killed all you lying kikes.

we ARE the european order anglo.


it's the other way around, the USA used to be Britain's penal colony but the rebellion ruined that, so thus they moved their dumping grounds to Australia

Aussies are Americognitos

Unbelievably based and spectacularly redpilled

Iron Tits was based

Attached: Margaret Thatcher in Falkland Islands after Argentina's surrender, 1983.jpg (1100x807, 120K)