Hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag

>hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag
defend this aussies

Attached: pure german aussie.png (869x396, 41K)

im 1/16th prussian nordic, check my cheek bones, or lack of, fucking nordic bro, kill all mean sand niggers and chinks

>>hurr durr only amerimutts heritagefag
no one said that

We all need to embrace our Anglo heritage. Any mutt that isn't at least part Anglo will be deported

Fuck lol

cringe and redpilled


Anglos are heritagefags

its just anglo*ds

Wait, why aren't all German peoples united under a single flag and empire?

Could somebody explain to me why Austria is even a separate country? Shouldn't we just give it to Germany?

Attached: question cat.jpg (400x323, 41K)