>He is monolingual
He is monolingual
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*makes random animal noises in Portugueeze*
What the fuck Portugal
All you language cucks speak English anyways
How is Portugal 0.8, can't they even speak their own language?
How do you even speak with less than 1 language?Nani the fuck
Can someone explain how can you actually speak less than one language ?
france should be 3
French-Arabic and English
Only language worth knowing desu
Yeah it can be fun to learn another language in this day and age but it’s not necessary
Ever heard of the Irish?
> ougabougatoogal
Many Portuguese are illiterate.
The more languages you know the shittier your country is
If you cant survive in YOUR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY by speaking the mother tongue then your country is a shithole that is unredeemable
See Sweden as example
I speak italian only in my country, english on the internet, or with foreign and immigrants
>average number of languages spoken
>Portugal 0.8
>20% of Portugal are mute
...but you're not speaking Chinese nor Spanish.
>relevant outside of South America
>relevant outside of China
>why yes i can speak 3 languages
>Slovene, croatian and serbian.
Hmm, I thought mocking Portugal has gone out of fashion
>hur dur nobody knos that Acorean and Alentejano are language of theyre own.
Portugal please
>HURRRR [...]
>Hungary worse than the UK
I refuse to believe this, they must be using different criteria
>Netherlands higher than Belgium
Isn't learning both French and Dutch mandatory in Belgium?
>the chad anglo
>the virgin continental
your penis when you realize
>the plug is like a little footie going into a sock
Our own langauge is English (the only one that actually matters) and thank god for that. Laughing at those stuck with special snowflake meme languages.
>he thinks that Slovene is like Serbo-Croatian
mission accomplished nigel you can come home now
i think the plug is like a benis going in bagina :DDDDD
3.2 my arse. Certified bollocks this map
>he is a linguistic cuckold forced to forsake and betray his mother tongue and speak the Language Of The Anglo in order to communicate with any community of decent size or relevance.
>try as he may to pass himself off as an intellectual for knowing additional thirdie languages, he can never match the skill of the Anglo in the World Language.
>Most especially the American, who made English the world language and who claim mastery over memes.
>these facts slowly eat him alive inside, and iota by iota causes the very essence of his soul to seeth in agony whenever he sees an American, British, Australian or other anglo flag.
It's our world. You just live in it and speak our language.
We acknowledge your linguistic tribute to us.
there literally isn't a language which would be useful to me without changing my entire life or moving
>20% of Portugal speaks 0 languages
Germany would probably be higher if Latin was not so widespread as a third language after English. In my school we actually had more Latin than French classes
I speak 3 lamguages but read 7
I would rather be fluent in C++ than in Italian
>fluent in c++
lmao take your virtual overloaded class function pointers and fuck off to go/erlang/rust
learned english to pirate stuff
>being fluent in C++
I fucking hate east Germany... Pulling us down and making us look worse on basically every statistic, it's truly disgusting. Unification was definitely a mistake.
>Netherlands speaks more languages than Belgium
Big fat fucking bs
>comparing a programming language syntax to a real language
>not understanding the difference between syntax and semantic
once again a fellow [Ger]man nips humor in the bud
>tfw speak english better than anglo tards that were literally raised with it
>be nigger
pick 1
I’m surprised you know that word.
>I’m surprised you know that word.
I'm learning Chinese but it was a fucking mistake
have you seen that post where an user describes about why you should never learn chinese because it will cause you to be sent to china which is an utter shithole
Portugal is such a shithole
Portugal are you all right?
gå suk neger kuk bög
The French speaking Belgians don't speak Dutch, despite that French speakers are a minority.
Dutch people often get French and German in school. We can wing German. Forget French, unless they go on vacation there every year0.
The most intelligent kids also get Greek and latin. Many people study Spanish or Italian on their own.
And then I obviously ignore people who speak arabic, Turkish or some local meme language like Frisian, papiamento or Limburgish.
Fact is half of Belgium can't even speak Dutch. And you guys pay no attention to German.
>be na(t)ive English speaker
>don't know the difference between there, their and they're
>don't know the difference between your and you're
>don't know the difference between its and it's
>don't know the difference between were and we're
>don't know the difference between who, whom, whose and who's
>don't know the difference between then and than
>don't know the difference between to and too
>don't know the difference between of and off
>don't know the difference between lose and loose
>don't know the difference between effect and affect
>don't know the difference between adjectives and adverbs (eg. I've slept good)
>don't know the difference between possessive form, plural and third person singular (eg. he talk's about CD's)
>don't know the difference between simple past and present perfect (eg. I have went)
>don't know how to spell common words
>don't know any comma or other punctuation rules
>unironically say "should of" or "could of"
>unironically say "per say"
>unironically say "for all intensive purposes"
and worst of all
>be monolingual while doing all of the mistakes from above
>don't even notice it and embarrass yourself in front of non-native speakers
What languages do Slovenians speak?
Slovenian English and… Italian ?
Belgians can't even speak English Not to mention Dutch.
>prescriptive linguistics
>mostly just spelling mistakes
t. Pavel Lipopovitch, proud German-American of second generation
The Isles are overrated HARD here. Even with the immigrants.
Pretty sure DDR is at perfect 2.0 with German/Russian combo. Blame youreslves. [spoiler]Sorbs don't count.[/spoiler]
What the fuck.... that has to be a joke.
I mean, it could be illiteracy, but we are talking about speaking here, not writing...
It is. Though 1.6 is still rather shit, especially for a tourism-heavy country.
Back at it again with the grammarnazi stereotype.
Well meme'd.
Native speaker is the highest level of language knowledge. Therefore, even our niggers that say "You is dumb" speak better english than you
I'd like to know what score the mountainjews got.
probably around 3
we must be around 3, maybe 2.7-2.8
>Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians
>"Why yes, I do speak multiple languages."
>What do you speak?
>"Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and English."
Based and Knowledgepilled.
Kek, if I properly learned my school-french too, then I'd be at three.
I was thinking about Japanese, but it seems to cringy.
It's temporary.
What's the best advice to learn languages faster? I'm currently trying to learn French and plan to also learn Italian and German.
>they're all local languages and English
Wow, here let me learn your irrelevant local dead language AND English too. LuL
I can confirm this.
>he needs to learn my language to get by in his own country
n-no I'm not
lol, not true
This is the most meme map of all time. We all get french and german in high school so if you conduct a survey where the participants have to fill in their own results, they're gonna lie.
How did these languages became memes.
Was it not the eternal Imperial genociding them.
Btw, if it was not for US we would be speaking Français now.
Slovene, serbocroatian and english.
And italian
And sindarin.