qts edishaan
How long until China takes over Hong Kong?
Ana bedi amoot
wen anta 3lemt 3rabi?
Nah, just good old google transalate, habibi
Lughatul el arabiyyah lughatul el jannah
Anta lazem 3lem 3rabi
Did the dutch goverment make cutbacks on your NEETBUX?
Farsi is pretty cool as well though
How big was the news about trump boasting that MBS wouldn't last two weeks without US security?
Do you also wear the robe and headress like native Saudis in public?
>How big was the news about trump boasting that MBS wouldn't last two weeks without US security?
It probably was big idk.
>Do you also wear the robe and headress like native Saudis in public?
ew no
Culturally, what are some differences between your family and Saudi soceity?
I don't dress like them
I don't talk like them
I don't eat like them
I don't do the same things as they do
etc etc
enta awal wahed fi hayati
>I don't eat like them
>I don't do the same things as they do
Could you elaborate please?
Also, what differences tend to crop up because of you being Sufi, I assume, and the Salafi natives?
I don't eat with my hands, unlike many saudis. I don't really like Kabsa either, it's just rice and meat.
I don't go to the desert and spend a couple of days there every weekend and that sort of stuff.
>Also, what differences tend to crop up because of you being Sufi, I assume, and the Salafi natives?
I am not a Sufi. My family is sunni but I am irreligious.
Any arab bro wanna discuss etymology of arab words in spanish?
For example "ojalá" was "inshallah"
Eh. I don't think there's a lot to discuss about Arabic words in Spanish since I don't know spanish.
>My family is sunni
Of course, I was talking about denominations. I thought most Sunni Egytians followed Sufi orders.
>I don't eat with my hands
How prevalent is the eating with hands thing? Do they also wipe plates with their hands and lick their fingers? I have seen some Muslims do that.
>I don't go to the desert and spend a couple of days there every weekend
Does Saudi society make you feel claustrophobic? I mean, you can't even chat or hang out with girls unlike in Egypt.
What are some stereotypes Saudis have about Egyptians?
>How prevalent is the eating with hands thing?
It's very common.
>Does Saudi society make you feel claustrophobic? I mean, you can't even chat or hang out with girls unlike in Egypt.
It doesn't because I don't exactly hang out with anyone in particular.
>What are some stereotypes Saudis have about Egyptians?
They think Egyptians are simple-minded, dumb-witted, loud and obnoxious.
I mean tbqhwy, egyptians and saudis don't really like each other. It's just that the cultures are different and our holidays are different. For example, I remember talking to a Saudi about Sham-'l-Nessim"/Shemu and he was saying that he wasn't surprised since "Egyptians are known for their bida' ". He was autistic anyway desu.
>Egyptians are known for their bida
I kek'd. Do most Saudis have this feeling of smug superiority?
In public do you participate in salat or just ignore it. How do people react to this?
What are opinions of Indians, Pakis and Afghans?
Are there also any oppressed/discriminated people in Saudi society? I remember seeing a bunch of really dark, almost African looking, saudi people in an office. Who are those guys?
>I kek'd. Do most Saudis have this feeling of smug superiority?
A lot of the ignorant ones do, but just like every other community there are good people and bad people.
>In public do you participate in salat or just ignore it. How do people react to this?
I ignore it. People don't seem to care because why would they?
>What are opinions of Indians, Pakis and Afghans?
Terrible. Saudis use "Hindi" as an insult for someone who's being a retard.
>Are there also any oppressed/discriminated people in Saudi society?
Yes they don't like shamis, iraqis, yemenis, etc. Pretty much everyone in MENA except for other gulfies.
> I remember seeing a bunch of really dark, almost African looking, saudi people in an office. Who are those guys?
Those are not saudis but during the formation of the third saudi state, everyone who was in Saudi Arabia at the time was given the choice to be a Saudi citizen. There were some africans there so they got the citizenship.
Saudis call shamis who got the citizenship in the previously mentioned way as "Tarsh-BaHr", which is often used as an insult.
Also, stop asking too many questions.
>Saudis use "Hindi" as an insult
Haha, oh wow.
>Also, stop asking too many questions
Sorry about that. thanks for answering my questions so far, much appreciated.
irksome pajeet, how I've missed you!
>Sorry about that. thanks for answering my questions so far, much appreciated.
It's fine. You're welcome.
أنا لم آكل اللحوم لمدة أسبوع ، اللعنة :(
ماذا تنتظر
سوف ينقص التستوستيرون عندك يا كيم
What is up, my dudes?
My older brother (30 y/o) has suddenly become religious as fuck and I'm scared. I'm probably the only atheist in my house and I don't know for how long I can pretend.
He's humiliating me for not praying and other shit like that, and my family's backing him.
Well, sure.
Just shoot them all.
You're in Brazil for fuck's sake.
You have a point
Based and redpilled.
Ah, I'd imagine that's not something new coming from the religious diaspora. All you can do is try give them convenient excuses not to pray such as your job (if I recall correctly). Say you're too tired these days to attend your religious duties.
>(if I recall correctly)
Yep, that's what I'm gonna do. Let's see for how long I can hold this situation.
good image
call him fat
why is morocco that low
they're lower than yemen
libya also has the highest percentage in north africa some how
hhahahahahhahaha NA so poor hahaha
The population of Libya is like 7 million or something.
اللحوم أغلى بكثير من الخضار
لقد تخليت بالفعل عن بعض النظرات التي يمكن أن أحصل عليها كرجل لأنني بالفعل تبدو امرأة جدا
قبل أن أموت أتمنى أن يكون لدي وجه ممتلئ مثلك ...-
what a miserable situations
why do arabs give so much shit about your religious habits
Holy fuck lmao
>I can pretend
I thought Lebs were pretty progressive about this stuff. I have straight up told my folks I'm an atheist, and they were like whatever.
>that high
Not possible
Why do Croatians give so much shit about Cyrilic vs Roman alphabet?
>He's humiliating me for not praying and other shit like that, and my family's backing him
Based and slightly redpilled
lmao i cannot imagine an analphabet libyan, did you know it is written on their soap " غير صالح للاكل " because of how they're retarded ? they're obliged to go to school to approach the average north african iq
they do not what him to go to hell !!!!!
Because they care about you?
>tfw got cucked by islam
What happened user
Wanted to wife a girl, she said she couldnt because of her religion.
she said she thought it was retarded and might change in the future but as for now its a no.
i loved her
Then convert
She would just think thats desperate and a beta move and say no
if she was a muslim she wouldn't ever share a conversation with a dumb kafir, you're both equally retarded : her for being a muslim and you for dating a muslim.
She sounds like a retard then
I'll fucking show you, nigger!!!
Does she wear a hijab at least
>dating non Muslims
>doesn’t even wear a hijab
InsaAllah white people will stop mena people coming to their countries
as long as gibs exist
your people will become like this
nothing personell kid
show pic.
>Dating a non-muslim
>Doesn't wear Hijab
>Lives among non-muslims
>Calls herself muslim
God I fucking hate nu-muslims. Tell her she is being unreasonable and that she should just quit the whole thing. Besides, she is only muslim by name.
to be fair it would be more bizarre if she had a hijab
to be fair she should just quit islam.
but she has a strong belief in God, and i doubt she would convert herself since the trinity gives her a headache.
oh well, ship sailed.
>but she has a strong belief in God
So? You don't have to be a part of some organized religion to believe in God. There are people who believe in God but are simply irreligious.
Just curious, do you actually want to be remembered?
man i dont know, maybe i should just fucking kms
maybe, should i pull an elliot rodger?
Try to have a long serious discussion with her. Maybe if she really doubt islam and loves you, she will quit that retarded religion.
she brought up the topic, talked about it for a while and she thinks that the way i see things is better, but then the bbc that is islam, oblitirated my wh*Te ass.
ill spend some more time with her and see where things go.
Hopefully she quits.
I don't mind her practicing the most of it, but if I cannot marry her I have to quit.
Are there too few Islamic/Arab names for people to choose from? It's been a long while since I came across a name I hadn't seen before.
Are you the Palestinean?
>Are you the Palestinean?
No. I am the lower egyptian. I forgot to namefag thats all.
Don't elliot man, you'll heal intime. I'm facing this dilemma where I know I fucked up someone's life and was all in all a bad experience/memort but also fot some reason I still want them to remember me.
No point in going Elliot Rodger style user, you're just depriving yourself from the chance of healing/moving on in the future
dont worry im just brainstorming haha.
what did you do user?
ours is now 89%
why is egypt that bad?
they haven't been through a war since 76
i keep forgetting that illiterate people exist so i always feel shocked when i see a map like this
like how the fuck is illiteracy still real just read nigga like just move your eyes
fake news sorry
i was thinking of other statistics
Because of the abundance of neets and delinquents over there, apparently.
طيور صهاينة اسرائيلية لعنهم اهل البيت
Because there are many people up in the mountains and in rural areas (40%) also because they are stupid
t.faggot of a country smaller than his peeepe
t.dumb nationalist of a shitty country
Which sura is this?
lmao. This guy should've wrote the Quran instead.
The thread is /egy/res/259209.html
Just add 8ch dot net before it.
tunisia is the only country where you'll become either a terrorist or a big faggot, there is no in between.
funny boy face
funny country
Does Mona still come here?
و الدلاّع و الكرموس -و السفنّاريا و الفقوس-و الله ما تشدنّي ملبعبوص-لقد نكنا الإنسان و مرمدناه أحسن تمرميدة-ثم رميناه كالميدا- فأصبح يطفلطح كالقحبة- و مأدراك ما
القحبة- ثمّ مأدراك ما القحبة-ذات البزّول الكبير و القحب الكثير-صدق زبّي العظيم
>و مأدراك ما القحبة
rarely. Last time she posted here was about how she went back to Egypt and was visiting a friend for a while.