proud fyromian warriors edition
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first for /heem/
It will not be forgotten and will be posted in every thread from now on
Shiptar 2-digit iq can't take a screenshot so it looks jpg'd out like from 1995
I want to beat that shiptar nigger
This same graph said that Pleven has higher purchasing power than Skopje, it just calculates how your shit wage equals to your local consumer prices
You can keep coping 3rd worlder
This classic cant be missed too, ofc
I cant hear you over your shitholeness, third worlder.
Shitfia, 10 years funneled EU funds, everyone centarlizes there and 2 Billion for a metro
Still a lower GDP output than Belgrade, a non-EU city
>Sofia's real GDP (PPP) per capita growth was 2.5% to $33,105
>Belgrade's GDP at purchasing power parity was estimated at $36.1bn USD, which was $31,461 per capita
Tarares can't compete even with free money being thrown their way
Why do you never read delusional shit from Albanians but always from Fyromites? Albanians never claim to be better than the others economy wise, they work to improve and keep their mouth shut. Meanwhile the Serbofyromites just fume that they are equal whilst every stats btfo them? 35% poorer and growing, yet big mouth. Inferior being, no wonder they will vanish soon enough.
A father was cleaning his car with his son. After they're done, the son asks, "Dad, couldn't we have done this with a sponge?"
35% is quite a difference, thank you
oткъдe дa кyпя cъpнeли? в мaгaзинитe и cyпepмapкeтитe oкoлo мeн нямa?
New developments in Belgrade
>$32,000 per capita without ANY gibs
Really Serbs are the masterrace and Shitfians can never compete
Average tram in Belgrade
Average tram in Shitfia
shit looks like cgi
>be serbs
>get the chance to be rich by gobbling all major investments during yugoslavia
>get rich by robbing and pillaging money during war from more than two whole countries
>still a shithole
I wanna visit the Ohrid Lake, but I've never been there. What should I expect there? Are there many zergs or they're not that much?
>bulgarian debt is measured on a 10% to 30% scale
>serbian debt is measured on a 20% to 80% scale
oh nononono
You mean
>Be Serbs, the only state-making ethnicity in the balkans
>Wage war against Austria/Germanoids to free other slavs, let them in a union where they're not assimilated
>Give them money, factories, investments and lose your own
>Still after that you are 1st world again because your genes are made for success
No zergs but they left ottoman-era mosuqes and if you hear that or any islamic talk it's all turkish subhumans
>now let me post cherrypicked pics to be able to continue to lie to myself and self cope as well as to save the reputation of a city ONE THIRD poorer than the other
I thought they left a long time ago.
Not many zergs, except for tourists. Or at least they are assimilated orcs, and you couldn't tell them on first glance.
Its a nice place, it has that renaissance italian republic city feeling, if you've been to Dubrovnik or Italy. They sell a lot of pearls that they make from fish scales, a local special jewelry.
The fortress is nice for history sites, though the bulgarian past isn't portrayed in any way. Same with the church/university, nothing about Bulgaria there, but they are in good repair and interesting to see.
There are bulgarian merchants who will call you out to do business with them if they recognize you somehow. Some locals gave me shit for being bulgarian too, like when I looked at a bag to buy for my mother, saw the price tag and walked away, and the guy shouted after me how I'm a european, I have money, fucking cheap bulgarians. This must be uncommon though, because he got looks from people passing by. And at the fortress they were going to let me in without paying because they thought I'm macedonian, then they noticed I am bulgarian and they asked me to pay.
If you are going to get a boat ride, ask around, Prices vary wildly, and you can negotiate. Two guys next to each other can ask for X money and 10 times X, its completely arbitrary, so ask.
brown people arguing which shithole is less shithole
This. These faggots should visit western europe more often
As for bulgarian stuff, you can look at the houses of two bulgarian merchant families, they are made into museums. They used to have a lot of bulgarian wood carving, but apparently serbian soldiers stole it after we lost the Balkan war. What is left is beautiful and worth seeing. Look them up.
t. diaspora who thinks he has achieved something special by escaping the balkan shitholes
We go it's better here
result would be even more overly patriotic diaspora
Average bus in Russia/Ukraine
Average bus in Macedonia
albanian side of ohrid > fyromian side t.b.h
Im a student not a diaspora
изглeждa мнoгo кpacивo
тpябвa c икoнoмичecки cpeдcтвa, пoдoбнo нa Гepмaния c EC, дa пoдчиним Cъpвия и Maкeдoния и дa cи въpнeм oнoвa, кoeтo ни пpинaдлeжи
Both sides are populated by us
Thanks for the info, brat. Sounds really nice, can't wait to visit it.
I see these everyday
Fuck, forgot my burn. Anyways, deneg net, Nigeria with snow, etc.
>The only selling point of fyromian tourism is a lake they share with us
don't mind fyromians, they have been riding in carts their whole lives and just discovered asphalt
>hehe we bought old buses from germany are we european yet
I only saw it from the boat, I saw your guys were using it as a beach, like an extra sea.
>dve moreta
alhamdulilah Khabib has defeated the white dog
>Turning your country to a tourist resort
Macedonians dont?
The grapes are sour said the fox who couldn’t reach it
Their side is more build up, its like a big port. There is no "beach", concrete meets the water.
it was basically the russian recruits execution video all over again
some parts, most of it is fields
LOL at this shithole hahahahahhahaa LOL
Hi there, mind if I ask you some questions about Albania?
Lmao poor cuckdonians go the worse part of the lake. The fuckers got sveti naum (shen naumi) though, but our retard king Zog sold it to yugoslavians
fuck off kellers
Fake data.
Serbia is better than any country in the Balkans
Show hdi stats now.
Also fyrom was cheap as fuck. You can live like a king with an average albanian salary. Some products were 1.5 times as chrap as albania
how many calories would you say are in one of the long banitsas you get at bakeries?
Around 600 I think
quite different answers
Average them
250 is more accurate for those small banitsa pieces they sell. The long ones they were asking about are probably around 500-600
If its standard, it would be 1 portion. If its larger (the long one), 2 portions.
mirin Mel Gibson hard rn
eдвaли cъдъpжaт иcтинcкo cиpeнe, пo-cкopo извapa и "млeчeн пpoдyкт" c pacтитeлни мaзнини
Ha тeopия e 50% извapa, 50% cиpeнe. Toвa e cтaндapтa. A кaквo нaиcтинa имa, нe знaм.
И c кюфтeтaтa тaкa, имa cтaндapт зa кoлкo тeлeшкo, кoлкo cвинcкo, кoлкo хлeбни тpoхи, т.н., нo нa вcякo мяcтo мoжe дa e paзличнo.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH literally bordering Africa HOLY Shit
az vikam da q zaebem taq makedoniq veche, samo si patim veski put kato se opitame po nqkakuv nachin da si vurnem dori chastichen kontrol nad teq chukari, kolko nacionalni katastrofi oshte i kolko pyti trqbva da si davame guza i da si pliuem na sobstvenata istoriq za da go razberat tova horata?
i to zakvo? za edna shepa albanci i promiti srbo-byurmiti? za nqkvi mountainleti? ili za "etnicheskite" bulgari deto taka ili inache se izbivat da si izkarvat BG pasporti?
napravo mi se iska da rejem vsqkvi diplomaticheski vruzki s teq izrodi, samo ni durpat nadolu.
kato stara spinozna kurva na koqto plashtash za da se gushkate za 1 chas
Anyone have that "albania borders itself" caricature where a map of the Balkans is shown, and Albania is celebrating something, and from all neighboring countries you have an Albanian giving toast to Albania?
come on now this is obviously an older picture from 2016 or something
its from 1995 lol
fuck you thesaloniger
I have but will not post it
ku jeni skipe
All 3rd world subhumans from latin america and asia say the first thing they notice in 1st world countries like Germany and England is there are no stray dogs
Dead dogs = good
shqipe shkruhet be analfabet
Does this mean that they will never complete the original design?
death to america tobehonest
They don't have dogs on the streets because they keep them at their homes to have sex with.
This reminds me of how there are rarely any dogs in the streets of Chair
Germans and English castrate their pets to "keep them safe". We don't do that here. Thus more dog production, thus more excess dogs, thus stray dogs.
The government program to capture, vaccinate and castrate stray dogs is working to keep that number very low in big cities, and in smaller settlements people handle it themselves.
Mkshqip, what do you think of Elita 5?
degeneracy OVERLOAD
i very much dislike rock in general, its devils music which is why i never listen to them, but i may be biased because i dont like anyone who sings in tosk, case in point:
I hate alban skenderaj too, but i like elita 5. They’re from tetovo so they speak gheh too i think
>Siderov going apeshit over some sudanese road raging and swearing at his wife
>Siderov's driver бeaт a dude and vandalised his car in a road rage incident 10 years ago
it's just the one fyromite with the split personalities...
>used to shill pro-west and anti-russia in the 90s
>started doing drugs, flipped a 180, his brain fell out and he became a russia shill as a result
can't make up
Dude, just turn on Alfa TV or visit his cancerous site.
He's been spinning his whining and complaining like a little bitch compilation of cringily edited videos with windows movie maker on repeat 24/7 trying to get some public attention again cos he knows the elections are coming.
He's smearing the national security director's career now, because the guy is close to Boyko. The whole thing is a staged, overblown fucking shitfest.
Hes a very colorful personality. Also bogoslov, and a nude model.
most of their songs are tosk-like like the song you posted