Why doesn't Germany just annex all these cultureless copycats?

why doesn't Germany just annex all these cultureless copycats?

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Germany is the colony, learn history Pajeet

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you are germanic, germans aren't swedic

dumb cuck

>be Swedish king touring through Germany
>get shot

Attached: Death_of_King_Gustav_II_Adolf_of_Sweden_at_the_Battle_of_Lützen_(Carl_Wahlbom)_-_Nationalmuseum_-_1 (1280x869, 297K)


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>be Swedish king, Karl XII, trying to invade Norway
>get shot in the head by Norwegian soldiers

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What about the fancy germans (the brits)

The Netherlands and the Dutch people have been around for much longer than the modern concept of Germany.

>cuck germans
Kind of an oxymoron, isn't it?

They tried and failed many times.

We are Vikings, if the sailing and plundering didn't tip you off.

They kinda tried that once. It didn't end well.

brainlet post
the German centralized nation state is a relatively young thing, the German nation and Germany absolutely isn't

The German nation was always a collective of different people's such as 'Bavarians' and 'Prussians'.

so what? that's the same thing with all larger nations, there are different regions of the Netherlands too (only there the difference is smaller because the country is smaller too)
Bavarians, Prussians, Swabians etc always were and considered themselves German

The Brits are half-Germans. Maybe OP could label them "Celt-Germans" (mind the dash).

This, germanics come from scandinavia originally

Denmark and the northernmost part of Germany were also originally settled by Germanics.

>They kinda tried that once

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>there are different kinds of germans
right. the dutch are one of them


Denmark is a part of scandinavia, but yeah I forgot that they came from parts of northern germany as well.

Holland has always been a german client state

ben je achterlijk

Another brown Shitalian who sucks G*rman dicks.

Too soon

Germanics originated from Sweden, retard
The Goth homeland (Gothia) is in Sweden

not quite, they originated from jutland