America should be more like Canada

>America should be more like Canada

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Canada should be part of the USA

Attached: 43943910514.png (680x788, 94K)

>USA should be a part of Canada

Attached: 066.jpg (680x598, 43K)

The US should have never gotten independence

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>USA should be part of Canada

Attached: 72927F8D-D3C1-483B-81C7-3B61EA257EA5.jpg (1000x1000, 249K)

>USA and Canada should be part of France

Attached: 43149051.jpg (4030x4096, 1.15M)

>The statue of liberty is actually the french planting their flag on america
>France went to the moon
>Their flag is still up there
We lost Anglobros how can we even compete against the FRANKOIDS

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>this fucking thread

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>Canada should be

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>America, Canada and France should be part of greater Quebec

Attached: tfwtoosmart.jpg (710x473, 116K)

You're not anglo

>You're not anglo

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This lol, delusional mutts

Eres uno de nosotros.

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>America, Canada, France and Quebec should be part of the Newfoundland Empire

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10/10 post Germany

you're not anglo

>America, Canada, France, Quebec and Newfoundland should be part of the glorious Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon republic

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More Anglo than you Muhammad

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t. Tyrone Gonzalez Goldstein

yes i am

No you're not you know you are not so shut up go and claim someone elses identity

>english speaking country settled by england and filled with english speaking people of mostly british descent
>not anglo
keep deluding yourself sweaty

>english speaking country by vote nearly a german speaking country
>hotbed of immigration since the 1700s
>mongrel inhabitants that think they are scottish because of a second name when they are actually german or polish but their ancestory changed there name to fit in
>theres black people called smith
>no one in england has native american ancestors
>if i can speak deh swedish dat mut meen i am a swedeish

>english speaking country by vote nearly a german speaking country
>hotbed of immigration since the 1700s
all of which assimilated into anglo-american culture
>mongrel inhabitants that think they are scottish because of a second name when they are actually german or polish but their ancestory changed there name to fit in
you've got it backwards. they think they are scottish or german when they are actually english with one german or scottish ancestor
>theres black people called smith
even the former slaves have large percentages of english blood
>no one in england has native american ancestors
i guess that means canada, australia and new zealand aren't anglo either
>if i can speak deh swedish dat mut meen i am a swedeish
you seem a bit upset user

>english speaking country by vote nearly a german speaking country
Did you really fall for that meme? It was debunked years ago. It never even reached the Congressional floor.
>le germans make up everybody meme
Most people have ancestry from the British empire in the 17-1800's.
>Black people named smith
what are slave names

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remember last year when you were all irish i do

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Canada should be more like America

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>all these other countries are doing it therefore we should too

Attached: mario-bros-theme-song-plays.png (205x246, 6K)

>having your country go out of its way to be retarded from the rest of the world because its good to be different just be yourself

NPC: the country

>if you don't make the NHS your state religion so niggers can nig freely you are retarded

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