Why is the 'American sauce' called 'Mayochup' in America?

Why is the 'American sauce' called 'Mayochup' in America?

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mayo + ketchup is called "cocktail"
american sauce is more like a bbq kinda sauce

it's called ketchunnaise here

What the fuck is American sauce? Is their European sauce? Asian sauce?

Its not called that at all retard, its called "Thousand Island Dressing"

Nope. Here Mayo + Ketchup is American sauce.

Called seafood sauce here but it's more than just mayonnaise + tomato sauce, also you typically make it yourself.

>Is their European sauce? Asian sauce?
No only American sauce.
It's because Mayo + Ketchup is seen as unhealthy and junk food, which is associated to America.

You call it American Sauce? We literally call it "Burger Sauce".

Unless they sell Mayo+Ketchup mixed together in your country, in which case that's weird and not something we do here.

Although google says the "sauce americaine" is actually named for Armorica, not America, so it's a French thing distinct from both Burger Sauce and "Mayochup", which is American slop.

Which is strange because we call it Russian Dressing.

>Unless they sell Mayo+Ketchup mixed together in your country
It's only found in Kebab shops and dirty nafri snacks.

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Ketchup+Mayo is a Berber specialty?

Wtf it's how they make American sauce?

From what I remember we call thousand island sauce American sauce.

It's called fry sauce you retards

Only absolutely tasteless yokels eat fries with mayo AND ketchup.

mayo > ketchup > muttsauce

no the fuck not, russian dressing has horseradish and other seasonings in it

We have done this sauce mix for decades and call it "Mayoketchup"

That's awkward. Ketchunnaise is way better.

>mayo > ketchup

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mayo is fucking disgusting, ketchup is for niggers

You just never tasted good ketchup, only your oversugared shit.

This is why i hate white people

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Do people actually enjoy eating fries with mayo? It doesn't do much for me taste wise and I can't stop thinking I'm just dipping fat in even more fat.

I much prefer flavorful sauces where take on more of a sauce delivery device role. Like BBQ sauce, aioli or mojo picante.

>fries with mayo
Disgusting. For me it's either ketchup, curry or cheese sauces.

I feel the same but I never admit it on public and put mayo on my fries to obey the norm.

I really like mayo on fries
It's not a common thing here

here we call it pink sauce

hot sause > all

It's ketchunaisse

we dont have that here and thank god we dont
it looks disgusting

It's hard to go wrong with mayo, it goes with almost everything.