Next Jow Forums Meme

>Its been almost 1 year since the Amerimutt began.

I can't stop thinking about what next years major Jow Forums meme will be. Anyone got any ideas?

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it's here to stay

Something related to some big event happening next few months/next year

maybe we could draw cocks and say "this cock is american" "this cock is swedish"

Shut the fuck up, leaf.

Variations of this guy

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Or this guy

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Why do you guys have to be so perverse.
Here, have something to masturbate to.

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Maybe we'll see pink memes

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True, but now that it's getting old a new meme has to come in and take centre-stage soon. But what will it be? I'm thinking maybe something about diaspora, there's a lot of them on Jow Forums now and the idea hasn't really been used yet.
The issue with that is if no major exploitable event happens, the meme won't take off as well.

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There is cricket world cup next year
I'll make sure to bring something over here if it's too good


maybe something chinese or russian

Some bombings or someshit will happen with brexit and that will be it

Trucks of peace have been happening in Europe for years and the only memes about it were Jow Forums memes, what would the difference be next year?
Like what exactly?
I don't know how that would play out but could be interesting, godspeed.

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I really hope for some amerimutt variation. It's almost a year gone by and it still triggers the amerifats.

Portugal's irrelevancy has been around a lot lately.

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Some stupid headline where someone from a particular country does an embarrassing or stupid thing and every thread for months will be


isnt grug our new meme?

or that strange faced french guy?

That could hold a lot of potential, but it would have to be a major headline for it to be popular imo.
Wojak variation memes are cancer at this point, and also not Jow Forums, something original would work a lot better.
>strange face French guy
Do you mean the Bog? That's more of an /sp/ meme, also getting old too.

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late 2017 spawned the best memes, 2018 is all ironic cringe shit and 2016 is too political

I think he means the boomer dude

Post meme?

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Best meme in a while

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Jow Forums RISE UP

>Anyone got any ideas?
Euromutts probably

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How about Russians are the real Asians and Chinese are cheap knockoffs

Nothing is more lame than trying to force a meme.
Next good meme will rise by itself in a promised time

That meme gave me lots of evenings where i just kekd nonstop.
I doubt anything like that will come again.
We put all our hate against the americans into those sketches

hopefully its something anti russian

Dear libtards


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Could work? Idk, maybe come up with more details and possible sketches about it?
I feel like any Amerimutt variations would lack the originality Jow Forums needs for the upcoming year. YEAH KILLEM was a good Amerimutt-based meme but in the end you'll always identify it with last year.
Thats true, as long as we have anons actively generating OC as the occasions arise it should work out.

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56% was last year's best meme. This year's best meme was KARA BOGA. No matter how bitter Yakuboids about this meme, KARA BOGA posting at it is peak was 10/10.

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There's no point in making that shit if there's no people to get angry about it.

That was good too but its still outdated by now. We need to find something that will top it off but still maintain uniqueness.

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Kara boga was a 2017 meme too
In fact there were barely any good Jow Forums memes this year. I say pink wojak was only good one (despite being only a variation)

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>we need a new meme that distracts me from my crushing reality

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Mr. Afrodick?

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irish genes

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this will be the new meme

seen it here first

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something attacking south/central americans, so basically the mutt meme except it's actually true. they've been getting louder and louder and need to be put in their place

Mutts never die.

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Weve had memes about them.

And uma delicia

Sopa de macaco and cartel memes exist for a long time and level of butthurt from them was pretty mediocre

they both target individual nations, not them all as a whole, but i see your points

qt black bois love Arab,Turk and Slavic Muslim cock

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the pic is pretty accurate

there's no need to force anything, it will come in time

Found this picture of a cute dog, maybe we can make a meme out of this.

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