How is the temperature in your country?

1. Country
2. Summer temperature
3. Winter temperature

>over 40 degrees Celsius
>-20 to -30 degrees Celsius(sometimes below minus 35 degrees)
>11 degrees of current temperature(Seoul)

Attached: 캡처.png (1021x540, 860K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Northern Sweden
Summer between 15 and 32°C
Winter between -15 and -48°C

I wish we could meet at 32 degrees in summer.
I prefer cold to hot.

Cold is a lot better. Right now it's -3°C here outside Luleå.

I like winter because there are many fun things to do.
but It's still too cold there.
I hope you are healthy.

western australia
summer: 20°c - 40°c
winter: 5°c - 25°c

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Summer: 25°C +-10
Winter: -0°C +-10

1. Buenos Aires, Arg
2. From 20º to 30º C, hell on earth
3. From about 5º to 15º

Wow, it must be really hot.
I also couldn't sleep last summer when it was over 40 degrees. ʅ(´◔౪◔)ʃ
I think it's the perfect temperature for people to live in.

Summer: 40 degrees
Winter: 18-22 Degrees

Then, does it not snow in winter?
That must be a little sad.
Thanks for the good information.
Have a nice day.

its pretty cool here now even though spring started a month ago

No I just live in a hot region, it snows in some areas where it gets to -2 degrees on winter

Oh yeah, Australia is not the same season with us.
Have a nice day, Santa in summer!

I got it.
I'm sorry if it sounded rude.
Still, I envy it not falling to minus 30 degrees.

25 to 35ºC
-1 to 18ºC

>hell on earth

Attached: 53242352.jpg (480x496, 46K)

does it ever snow in south korea? have you seen snow in real life? i havent :(

Summer: between 25° and 40° Celsius
Winter: between 10° and 20° ( 3° and 10° at night)

Heavy snow is terrible in winter.
But when I was a student, I was expecting the school closure.

Attached: 캡처.png (936x526, 1.11M)

But Korean men who have been to the army do not like snow.
Korean men clean snow for safety in the military in winter.
But I like snow.

So, Korean men who serve in the army call snow garbage from the sky.

Attached: 캡처.png (889x479, 814K)

here's a video from australia that talks about why 25ºC is hot in northern countries, but not in australia

Oh, thanks for the educational video.
Have a good day. v('∀´v)

According to Google the average temps for my province are 23.5°C in the hottest month (July) and -1.5°C in the coldest (January). I have seen it as hot as 40°C and as cold as -45°C

>Southwestern Kentucky
Temperate, but slightly on the warm side and definitely humid. The average temperature in the city I live in is 57.8 degrees Fahrenheit, which is almost exactly Earth's mean temperature pre-global warming. Also, right now I'm experiencing an extreme heat wave. Highs in the high eighties (which is borderline-insufferably hot, and about 25 degrees above what it's supposed to be here right now) have dominated the first week of October, but it's supposed to revert back to normal in a few days. Due to the unseasonably-hot weather, the trees right now are still almost entirely-green and barely even look different than they did a month ago.

Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Winter 2°C-14°C
Spring 10°C-28°C
Summer 26°C-34°C