Gentle reminder that the standards of whiteness in the United States are so exacting that the woman pictured in this...

Gentle reminder that the standards of whiteness in the United States are so exacting that the woman pictured in this photo is not counted in the 56%.

Please inform your fellow countrymen of this incontrovertible fact so we can reduce the amount of misinformation disseminated on this board.

Attached: 1538930067253[1].jpg (2083x2688, 469K)

Other urls found in this thread:

i wish she count me in her 56
if you catch my drift


Reminder that Miranda Cosgrove, the Kardashians, Ralph Nader, Nikki Haley, Anthony Kiedis, Anthony Cumia, Ariana Grande, and Jessica Biel are considered white in America

>onli nord yorpyons r wyte!

Attached: 1442084725242.jpg (1392x1600, 202K)

you are attracted to this woman do to the african admixture in your blood

Who gives a fuck? What are they? Black? OH NOOO THEY HAVE BROWN HAIR WE'RE DONE FOR

>Miranda Cosgrove
>Jessica Biel


Attached: American phenotype.png (1080x1072, 409K)

this person is also not considered white in the united states. notice the african and indigenous admixture manifesting in abberant and inappropriate clothing choices

Attached: 1538911311896[1].jpg (1200x1180, 150K)

what's his name, Jow Forums?

Attached: 1405183660081.jpg (640x480, 99K)

hahahah she sucked benis :DDDDDD

>you are attracted to this woman do to the african admixture in your blood

Negro hands typed this horrendous post.

Attached: 1515360964114.png (752x617, 20K)

I want to cum inside her pussy and raise what comes out 9 months later
Go back to Jow Forums though

Is it Dan "choke her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider?

This is true. Why should someone with tan skin, brown eyes and black hair be called white, when they're literally the same people as north Africans and arabs?
>inb4 100 pics of sami rapebabbies as a response
That won't change anything, because even i don't see them as white and they should fuck off back to siberia or somewhere else

Attached: 9297fd307f7d63bd0dd8bb3b85b16206--female-swimmers-female-athletes.jpg (341x512, 22K)

Finns are mongols

Attached: finnish coffee.jpg (1200x1350, 251K)

I think I might pass as white (in America) if pic related is considered as white there.
And I am a North African mutty

Finns with asiatic features are not Finns, they are fingols and should be kicked out.
The rest of us (majority) look white as fuck

Attached: random3454.jpg (1280x4675, 3.24M)

The Finnish homeland is east of the Urals, Finns migrated to Europe
Go back to Asia
You are not European

Nikki Haley is Punjabi, not a fucking wh*toid

She's literally considered Asian
This guy is just some retarded Jow Forumstard

Funny fact, majority of Europeans are R carriers and they also came from near China AND they came to Europe later than N carriers. So by your logic they should go back to Asia too.
Damn it feels good to be le 100% face

Attached: nor-fin-swe.jpg (450x300, 38K)

She's considered white in America

I'm also a member of the N master race

Attached: Untitled.png (556x677, 29K)

Interesting post considering that you're completely incorrect and she's considered Asian

no she's not lmao

legally and socially,

As a descendent of slaveholder anglos, there is more afican blood in you than in me for sure.

t. from the provençau minority in northwestern italian alpes

not asian but Indian

asian is japs/chinese/viets. Asian in bongland though

If you write "South Asian Indian" as your ethnicity, you will be considered Asian-American

damn v juice is so hot

Go throw some sheep you sad little Bosnian

American education....

>its another thread where americans try to prove that they are whiter than euros

Attached: avatar.jpg (528x529, 53K)

>it's another "Jow Forumstier retard makes a Jow Forumstier thread and says people are trying to prove their whiteness when he's called a retarded for making retarded posts" episode
Literally just fuck off and stay on Jow Forums you race obsessed retard

She is not Asian
Mexicans were once legally white
Finns were once legally nonwhite
Italians and Eastern Europeans were legally white yet victims of racial discrimination, lynchings, etc.

tl;dr Nikki Haley is a white American woman.

I know, I'm Indian-American

I was talking more culturally and socially

>Finns were once legally nonwhite
That was only because of our language, which is fucking stupid but i honestly don't expect much from you mutts.

Attached: discarded.jpg (680x680, 77K)

ok, and? caucasian doesn't mean fucking white

arabs are legally white but who considers them white in america? no one



>ok, and? caucasian doesn't mean fucking white
It does in America.
>let me tell you about your country

>arabs are legally white but who considers them white in america? no one
Ralph Nader is an Arab and considered white. Kardashians and Nassim Taleb also.

No that was because of your DNA.
>let me tell you about your country.

Literally only Jow Forums thinks she is non-white. You are the one that needs to go back.

Popular youtuber Gabbie Hanna is also white.

Alessia Cara is a white american woman.

>No that was because of your DNA
Do you really think that they tested our DNA in late 1800s or early 1900s? It wasn't even possible back then.
And like i said, the reason was our language
>More recent Finns were on several occasions "racially" discriminated against[76] and not seen as white, but "Asian". The reasons for this were the arguments and theories about the Finns originally being of Mongolian instead of native European origin due to the Finnish language belonging to the Uralic and not the Indo-European language family.

White people don't exist, we're all a shade of brown, come from Africa and used to be swarthier due to environmental factors

Jacques Negros

White people do exist, but only in northern Europe

Attached: finn2.jpg (960x922, 117K)

You keep saying that yet everyone from the Indian Subcontinent is considered Asian.
You, as a shut in, obviously have never interacted with an Indian American and don't know what people think about them.
Legally, she is Asian.
Socially, she's Indian.
Indians aren't considered white in America no matter how badly you try to deflect your Jow Forums origins.
She's an Italian-Canadian

Ancestry then. Don't get so hung up on the word "DNA."

OP, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.
Go back to making misinformed retarded threads on Jow Forums you mouthbreather

Attached: 1526499109193.jpg (828x898, 118K)

That's not white, that's pinkish
And the other half of Nords are orange

"Asian" is not a legal status.
Socially she is white.
Nikki Haley is a proud white American woman.

Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico, is also another proud white American woman.

Her face looks mongoloid. Proof that Fins are not white. Into the bin they go.

>Asian Americans are Americans of Asian descent. The term refers to a panethnic group that includes diverse populations, which have ancestral origins in East Asia, South Asia, or Southeast Asia, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.[4] This includes people who indicate their race(s) on the census as "Asian" or reported entries such as "Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Other Asian".

Fuck off retard

What about our ancestry?
Finns carry the most indo-european admixture in Europe along with balts so i would call that pretty European and white. We should be the ones deciding who is European and who is not

Whiter than any amerimutt alive

Attached: finnish family.jpg (1800x1200, 542K)

The girl in the pic looks white to me though, just slightly exotic due to Amerindian admixture

She has a white dad and a Latina mom
Literally the future face of America once the whites and Hispanics finish their quest to mix into a single race

Blue eyes and blonde hair don't make up for your mongoloid facial structure

Indo-Europeans are literally a bastard mix of Mongoloids from Central Asia and the Caucasus.

The "whitest" Europeans have the most indigenous DNA.

Asian is not a legal status. Post as much as you want then look at your ID. That is your legal status.

Attached: white boy.jpg (997x767, 170K)

Also here's a finn who got 100% Finnish match from DNA test.
She is pretty fat sadly, but under that lard is a woman who is whiter than 99% of amerimutts

Attached: 100% finnish2.png (620x407, 306K)

You're so fucking stupid

Mestizo futurism is based and redpilled and extremely hot

Attached: 2da3f878a1f0d30d14e5b7b370829c34.jpg (461x700, 49K)

>Blue eyes and blonde hair don't make up for your mongoloid facial structure
If those are mongoloid features to you, then sadly all of Northern Europe is not white then. Your opinion doesn't matter though, because you are a dumb fucking american and not white.

Attached: Jukka-hilden.jpg (1941x2912, 446K)

White facial structure:

Flat or slightly bulbous forehead
High hairline
Cranium that is as wide or slightly wider than cheekbones
Circular or oblong eyeshape
Moderate to heavy upper eyelid hooding
Prominent nasal root
Medium to medium long nose length
Narrow to medium nose width
Laugh lines
Small to medium teeth
Thin lips
Medium to wide mouth opening
Prominent chin that leans toward the wider side
Medium to long ramus length
Orthognathic profile

Attached: greek.goddess.jpg (513x609, 101K)

You are so fucking nonwhite
This girl looks like a dark-skinned version of the girls the Finn keeps posting.

Pic related, a "White" Finnish person displaying typical White facial features (sarcasm)

Attached: finnish_pewdiepie.jpg (503x307, 21K)

No this Finnish woman is white and she is not.
If you don't look like this, then you are not white

Attached: laura6.jpg (1840x2759, 509K)

Why is this thread still up and not moved to Jow Forums?

That's probably a Fennoswede

You just know a brown person is furiously reporting this thread

Attached: Average_Finnish_cheekbones.jpg (706x1028, 183K)

>That's probably a Fennoswede
You haven't posted a single good post so far. Are you literally brain dead?
Fennoswedes are not genetically any different from western Finns, as studies have already confirmed billion times. This is old news and every single one of you faggot on this site should know it.
And no, she isn't Swedish or related to them. She has distant German ancestry, but she should be at least 90-95% Finnish

Attached: annna1.jpg (1596x1065, 220K)

I agree
What I don't understand though, why is being white so important to you and why do you belittle everyone's racial affiliation if they don't fit this exact appearance?
Many other people that identify as white live in different climates and are more open to invasions and consequent absorption and intermixing with foreigners from other parts of the world due to lacking large landmasses that could protect them from outside forces, this doesn't necessarily make them non-white

I'm just shitposting at this point, because it would be waste of time and effort to write proper posts as a response for that ameritard. Even though my original point still stands and that is the girl from OP's pic is not white.

>Fennoswedes are not genetically any different from western Finns
They're 40% Swedish and 60% western and southern Finnish. In recent times a lot of them have been mixing with Finns so the Swedish percentage is getting ever smaller though. Savonian+hurri is one of the biggest mixes in the capital for some reason.

>Even though my original point still stands and that is the girl from OP's pic is not white.
Yes, she's mixed race and is considered "Hispanic" in the US

>They're 40% Swedish and 60% western and southern Finnish
Got any source for that claim? And i'm mostly interested in the differences between western Finns and Fennoswedes. This one is from Wikipedia
>In a 2008 study a joint analysis was performed for the first time on Swedish and Finnish autosomal genotypes. Swedish-speakers from Ostrobothnia (reference population of the study representing 40% of all Swedish-speakers in Finland) did not differ significantly from the neighbouring, adjacent Finnish-speaking populations but formed a genetic cluster with the Swedes[Note 22] and also the amount of genetic admixture between the groups which have taken place historically.

That stands
Although she has something really white to her appearance, if we exclude skin, eye and hair color

It's a bit hard to interpretate but in the top right one it shows SSOB(Swedish Speaking Ostrobothnians) about 40% of the way from South-West Finland to Westrobothnians in Sweden.

Attached: journal.pone.0016747.g002.png (489x600, 448K)

What's that site?


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