don't go to Jow Forums edition
Will never have sex or an intimate relationship
what phenotype is this?
wowey mama!
looks canadian to me
My mum is a racist and moving further right politically. She has started referring to Labour voters (or anyone else remotely left wing) as "Liberal Lefties". I think she has been reading American hate media too much.
She attended a March against Muslim rape gangs recently. I don't know who she is any more.
I almost shat in my hand. wanted to sniff an upcoming fart and I almost shart. wew
got a new gym crush lads, a latina looking qt
will find the courage to talk to her next time she's there i'm sure
lads are parkas still a thing?
pretty sure she's still your mum, mate
she looks like a la-z-boy recliner
Civ VI looks so fucking shit
Do you think seeing gore fucks your head up? I imagine seeing death and violence on a daily basis was normal hundreds of years ago, but once the west civilised, most people probably hadn't even anything like that until the internet came about.
WTF is wrong with the french
Which Reddit thread did you copy and paste this from?
good taste. you should try your own poo sometime. once you get over the mental block a whole new world opens up
that vid of the chinese worker getting spun around by a rotating wheel is especially grim
>don’t go to Jow Forums
Neck yourself commiefag
tell her to FOY
everything is still a thing if you aren't a poofy bent cunt that needs to conform, own your own style
has anyone ever successfully picked up a girl or gotten their number at a gym in all of Jow Forums history?
would genuinely like to know this
Why arent City wearing 1st kit?
nice and cosy for winter time
The question should be, is there anything right with the French?
me? just a normal working class lad that somehow ended up in a scholarship at eton
women want a man with hobbies who reads a book a week
yes yes but the same applies to any decent rustlers
the issue everyone has with durham is the arrogant belief that it is anywhere near oxbridge due to delusional public school kids bitter that they got rejected from there
people probably used to see horrific shit at factories regularly until pretty recently
yes my right fist which is about to destroy your rat face
triggered little stormweenie
imagine having an issue with someone joining an anti-rapegang protest.
fantastic post
baiting a yank in a piss thread
not me thats for sure
mind you ive never even picked up a girl or got a number anywhere haha
Fascism is inevitable commie
Two scoops, two terms
Want a nice winter coat but don’t want to spend over £100 what are my options lads?
>French culture
I watch loads of car crash videos and it's made me really careful crossing roads now. Like before I cross I make quick mental notes of angles of approach and places to shelter should a car come hurtling by
Watching accidents in general makes you more careful. Have you seen any of those lathe accidents? Brutal shit
But yeah I don't think watching mindless ISIS/cartel torture vids can do you that much good
I've no idea myself really I don't think I could work up the courage of trying
the awkwardness of failure is too strong, imagine seeing them at least once a week afterwards?
fuck are you autist cretins yelling about
Is this Sarah's sister? How many British girls run terrible communist thot twitters
sooo. . . the chinese own canada now, i guess
>poochester shitty
No. Monks look at bodies in different stages of decomposition
Maybe viewing it on the internet does though yeah
Everything becomes entertainment if its on a screen or something
charity shop
>Fascism is inevitable commie
>Two scoops, two terms
does anyone have aisha's twitter?
yeah thanks
>Fascism is inevitable commie
excuse me, cutie, but i think you mean "absolute monarchy and/or glorious return to absolute monarchy is inevitable"
beautiful dialect
depends what you'll use it for
can get cheap barbours for like £120ish if you look in the right place and they're pretty indestructable. much better than yank face or some other naff "outdoors" brand
i know you felt that
Doesn't exist
goodnightmoon has short hair now
not concerned about the latter part, i'm incredibly good at blanking people
just need to get over myself and chat to them in the first place
Honestly my dad has gotten really brainwashed by American hate media. Just yesterday he told me about the 'genocide' in South Africa. I couldn't even respond. He had madness in his eyes.
is this one of those internet slags?
don't know who she is, but she's very cute
weirdo ;)
Has anyone read this?
need a redhead gf
yeah well I've got diarrhea
nah waiting for the film instead
you have to be really into mythological type stuff to get into it
The flies get the last laugh
*balls up a load of flem and swirls it around my mouth while speaking*
Chadfishing is something all non-Chads should do at least once so that they can see for themselves how females act when they actually like you.
She's a popular ASMR creator (i.e gf simulator)
she's also unironically a lesbian but doesn't bring it up
actually starting to get fed up of doing fuck all lads
gaming isn't fun and wanking just makes me feel tired and beta
but not quite motivated enough to go and see mates and go out and be social
yeah hate north face and “outdoors” brands scousers have put me off the stuff for life
thoughts on meditation?
Riyad Mahrez has missed five of his last eight Premier League penalties (four for Leicester, one for Manchester City).
Anyone see this attack on this poor labour supporter young mother? What a disgrace. I guarantee he was a kipper lunatic. Probably posts here.
oh yeah one of those internet slags then
load of wank
When I die I dont want to end up on some slab somewhere
Just put me in the fucking ground or in the sea
I don't want to be formaldehyde'd and make up applied etc
its fantastic
go to waterstones tomorrow and buy all the greeks
I was you about a year ago
Anyone here do cough syrup?
iPhone buyer is a job?
where the FUCK is alan, need to shit on him for that mahrez penalty
got tired of reading about feanor's third cousin's second daughter's third bent cunt son's left magically enchanted bollock, dreadfully boring, tolkein can fuck off for eternity
Yanks really creep me out for some reason but I can't put my finger on it
I think it's because their public personas are so forceful and polished and positive. You almost feel bad for them, like if they were to lose face they would somehow crumble or explode or something.
There's something about the way they carry themselves that really puts me on edge.
ever tried speed?
only when I've got a cough
starting to wonder if girls actually want to see you shirtless on the beach despite saying they don't
I'm good looking but have recently gotten almost no matches my profile also doesn't give off the air of being fun