/v4/ + cute anime girls

non non visegrad edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


First for squares

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Second for czech cuisine

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> order food online
> nigga with afro brings it
Holy shit this country is going to hell

did you find anything worth living for lads?
do I a chance to find something too?

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good way to end the old thread

I wanted to put my life in some use in the army. They didnt accept me tho. Im gonna try next year and if it fails too i will try foreign legion. If that fails too then its probably kys for me


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Scarab post

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Thats hovnivál

my goal is to buy land in Mali and set up a harem to destroy the black race

some people search for their meaning of life until they are 50

don't rush it lad, it will come eventually

I already told you once, just wait until WW3 breaks out and you'll get conscripted

I have a date with a slovak redhead girl tomorrow

wish me luck lads

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good luck lad

we all gonna make it lad


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Well i just found out Slovakia and us have OBLIGATORY sterillization of trans-gender people
I don't care what others say, god damn i love this country

feels good being with other gay haters.

dead like my fucking brain

flower post

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I miss her

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I miss him.

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I love for him. He will return and hang all protestants and gypsies.

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Is square fag here?

literally never ever

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4 u

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Szekelys will also hang.


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You think that V4chan would be a good idea? been thinking about it for a while, but a 4 language board does not seem like a sustainable idea.

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>no sporty gf
lol just get one

No just raid that Slovak Chan.

shut up newfriend


I forget its name. It has very stupid name, like eforce.net. or something like that.

alokal eu or heilvasky on the other chan

>alokal eu
that one, I told you it has a stupid name

i don't see the point of raiding a board or website that is even slower than this thread

god I feel so empty lads

Accept the idea of Habsburg restoration to your heart.

have you tried doing something instead of complaining?

alokal eu/pol/38318

So it begins.

the idea of having a monarchy but no monarch is much superior


Blessing this thread

Btw she didnt post anything in 13 days. I hope she is safe :(

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Hot voice


Any alternative to this captcha and stale meme ridden shithole is welcome, no matter how slow it is.


Can't sleep

r8 my wallpaper

Attached: Różalski 1920 - Mech Podhalański.jpg (1680x1050, 277K)

I should play the game. Although I heard it's mostly engine building and there's little combat.

I just dig the setting.
The game itself is made by germs so it's gonna be mediocre at best. I genuinely don't get how such a big, rich, and populous country still did not get a foothold in the gaming industry.
I mean even the poorest slavic shitholes managed to release at least one commercially successful series. Meanwhile all germs can apparently come up with are annual releases of farming simulators. Maybe they really are collectively autistic.
>inb4 muh gothic
Old as fuck and overrated, and Elex sucks dicks

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