Freak accident in American wedding

Kaleva magazine:

20 Americans died when a wedding-limousine accidentally ran over them in 100 km/h speed.

It was a freak accident.

Limousine went past a farming equipment store and ran over people walking in the parkering area.

Many new yorkers were there for fresh apples and there was the most busy shopping season going on.

Attached: Hummer_Stretch_Wedding_Limousine.jpg (779x297, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Prayers and positive thoughts sent to the victims and their relatives. Hope any of our fellow Jow Forumsellectuals weren't part of this horrible accident.

2 bystanders died, I suppose the other 18 were inside the limo and maybe the car they crashed into.
Yeah it looks tacky as hell

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>hummer stretch limo

Mutts really are into stupid excess.

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yeah well there was no site which said clearly where the dead people were at the moment of death

only was being told that number of deaths was 20 persons

>20 Americans died
based good news finn poster

coulters law coulters law coulters law coulters law coulters law coulters law

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Obviously not any safer either. If they really wanted to impress, should've rented out one of these.

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Jesus, this language... "Limousine" was too simple?

it was an accident on a highway, not a terrorist attack (afaik)

hää(t) = wedding

classic word to fuck with foreigners: hääyöaie = wedding night intention
yö = night
aie = intention

its the longest Finnish string of vowels, the "h" in the front is the only consonant

Pronounced in French it's hilarious.

What's so hard to understand about "hell limousine"?

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Why isnt there news in english about such thing?

I want to know the technicalities of how it happened. Did some van just plow in between the limousine?

The car probably got dents all over it. Real shame.

>accidentally ran over them in 100 km/h
Nah man, this shit is only supposed to happen in Grand Theft Auto.
What the fuck?

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Jesus Christ.

The car got smashed up pretty bad when it crashed into a ravine.

Limousines come from here.

Attached: Limousin[1].jpg (300x283, 21K)

Are you the same News-Finn that used to post on Krautchan?

Nope, I just posted an interesting looking news.

The News-Finn was notorious for posting really non-newsworthy news about various silly things.

Also check my English, isn't it better than the News-Finn posters English?

He's the same one. Pro-Russian and twists the news.

>pro Russian


>twists the news

how was this twisted?

/n/ here
The senseless loss of life will continue until we ban assault vehicles. No one needs that much horsepower to go around town. The constitutional right to freedom of travel was not written to take into considerationg 2-ton murderboxes going at 60+ mph. You do NOT have the right to own and operate something capable of killing dozens of people in mere seconds.

I don't really get it, reports are contradictory.

According to the police, it seems the limo gained speed in a downslope and eventually crashed in a shop's parking full of cars. Apparently, it's not the 1st time this shit happens, as it seems some trucks had the same problem before.

But then, there's this twitter report and it certainly doesn't look like a parking to me.

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Driver was an honorary zoomer

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wtf that place looks so empty and yet there were hundreds of people

I mean a few weeks ago a finn made a thread which looked exactly like yours in which he talked about how some random moth was found in finland.
That entire thread smelled like news finn

Well it wasn't me, I rarely post news

I made 2 threads today, this one and the swimming pool thread with some videos, no newslinks in that previous thread

>vast empty plain
>zeroes in on the only pedestrians in 100 miles

Americans just suck at driving. We actually hired people to drive Americans around at our company, because there were a shit ton of accidents when we got them rental cars.
And of course we didn't get them manual transmission cars.

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18 of the 20 killed were inside the limo, no word on the driver yet

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>18 of the 20 killed were inside the limo, no word on the driver yet

That is tragic. Imagine it's your wedding but then you, your wife and all close friends die in a painful bloody accident.

The only thing he twists is my nerves

It ain't all bad I mean, the funeral is cheaper than the eventual divorce.

kek German dad humor

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>And of course we didn't get them manual transmission cars.
When’s your war crime trial?



Limo of Peace slaying unsuspecting NY infidels.

Allah is your god, and Muhammad is your prophet, NY!!!

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>the best day of his life and the worst day of his life on the same day

maximum efficiency

They deserve it for renting such an abomination as a hummer-limo.

And GTA is based on american cities

I don't think so

I blame the muslim jews

time to ban assault limos

>Many new yorkers were there for fresh apples
At least some good came of it then.

>maximum efficiency
You forgot that it was also the last day.