Les Québécois sont l'épitomé de la race humaine

Les Québécois sont l'épitomé de la race humaine

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you've made this thread about 4 times
I don't think you even live in quebec
you're just an autistic loner obsessed with this girl

More quebec qties

>dumb Anglo thinks there's only one person making Québécois threads

Je hais les juifs

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basé québécois

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je la veux regarder mon zizi

Anglos = Juifs peh

Post more pics of her

I wish I had more but I saved this one from a thread yesterday

A free and independent Quebec will be America's strongest ally while Trudeauland crumbles.

Non, France sera notre plus proche alliée.

Non et Oui, juifs = beaucoup de choses

Loge maçonique = Juifs
Partie libérale = Pantin des Juifs
Partie Québecois = Pantin des Juifs
Corruption aux Québec = Juifs
Propagande aux Québec (militant Universitaires) = Juifs
Organisations Anti-Catholique = Juifs

Cette vermine est littéralement la cause de nos souffrance.

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Pour moi? CAQ.

mdr c'est risible

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>mvq Américains pensent qu'on les aime

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The true FLQ, Front de Liberation du Québec was trained by CIA.

The white patriot part of USA is fren of Québec.

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Also, during the 70's the United kingdom was willing to arm Québec with all the weapons we would have needed in the advent of a separation.

wtf ?
J'adore l'États-Unis maintenant !

citation needed this whole CIA training malarkey was more likely the KGB attempting counter-intelligence

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La seconde occurrence du FLQ étais des agent de la GRC qui faisait des attaques faux drapeaux

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>united kingdom

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>The KGB, which had established contact with the FLQ before 1970, later forged documents to portray them as a CIA false flag operation, a story that gained limited traction among academic sources before declassified Soviet archives revealed the ruse.

I love Québec, Québec is fren.