What is your favourite US State and why?

What is your favourite US State and why?

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It's cool

None because america SUCKS


Vermont maybe. I'm not sure.


Because I went there for 2 weeks and it was nice, people were very welcoming and smiling too.

My successors :)

The state of ruin

Maybe California but it is dangerous atm
So i'll say Chiapas, at the south of America

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California, because they are the most productive state

Massachusetts, comfy coastal New England with a world class city, best education in America.


Not ideological
Not attentionwhoring
Still relevant

Alaska. It is gorgeous. Everything here is gorgeous. I want to live in Alaska.

You shouldn't have sold it then




Penisylvania isn't relevant
Pittsburgh is nice though

Oh, user. If we hadn't sold it, nowadays it would have been a giant ghetto.

North Dakota
>almost uninhabitated
>lowest crime rate in usa (if i remember well)
>their capital is called Bismarck
>high income per-capital

I would like living there

>high income per-capita
Only thanks to oil. If you're not in the oil fields you'll earn just as little as the people in Montana. Not that this is much of an issue, it's also a cheap state to live. But still, the average person won't make a fortune in North Dakota.

>I would like living there
No you wouldn't
Lowest crime rate is Vermont btw

>Not that this is much of an issue, it's also a cheap state to live
The only thing that's cheaper than the US average in ND is utilities and transportation
Everything else is getting increasingly expensive thanks to transplants

Maybe just for a few months

If an exchange student from Piedmont couldn't find anything redeeming about South Dakota in the six months she lived here, I highly doubt you'd find something you'd enjoy in North Dakota

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Wisconsin: huge dairy culture, relatively niggers free, beautiful womenfolk, The Packers, cold weather and endless forests and foraging lands.

Sounds like heaven to me. Only Ohio comes off second.

>relatively niggers free

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>relatively niggers free
too many spics there though.

have family there, gonna move over and study there next year

Cringe as fuck