Totally average latina

totally average latina

Attached: MV5BMjA1NDU4MDMzOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMzEzNDg0MDE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,776,1000_AL_.jpg (776x1000, 108K)

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Where can i get a latina gf like her?

She's dating a black guy.

No she's not, you're mentally ill btw

why do you tell lies?

Attached: 1462835087_1c12a3b458a3093a12cd3a4d8f75e6a0.jpg (640x640, 59K)

uh...yeah she is

she doesn't look latina at all
lmao wh*Te subhumans btfo

please post more pics of this angel

Get over it Mario. She loves big black cock.

KARA BOGA makes little-dicked wh*Te subhumans cry again!

There is no "latino look". If you were born in latam then you're latino

Attached: ana 2018.jpg (1280x720, 110K)

she is dating a white american

Attached: 19552.jpg (640x1138, 141K)

lmao no sir. that's a lie.

most "white" americans have sub-saharan african blood.

i thought i was completely white but 23andme showed im 11% african

BLACK and ASIAN BVLLS are cucking wh*Toids

Attached: kara boga pepe.jpg (999x963, 75K)

wh*Te "men" are on suicide watch


his hairy ass


She is dating a Venezuelan

Attached: 1.jpg (700x350, 46K)

So a BLACK guy

he knows what he's talking about

and reality

Attached: 1507511935949.jpg (662x993, 94K)

Attached: 1439918213160.jpg (634x1291, 198K)

Looks good

average latin couple

Attached: 1536433466785.jpg (600x669, 103K)

2 non whites.


She's dating a Venezuelan

Attached: edgar-ramirez.jpg (1000x562, 65K)

whats up with her Jaw, Pittbulls have similar ones

of course, that's why they are the AVERAGE latin couple.

Riley reid?

I don't see a problem

looks nothing like riley reid

Attached: 1522673420443.jpg (357x303, 21K)

Don't see an issue. Would fug/marry.

yo le entro igual, virgolio
>being afraid of women getting ugly with age