Are you good at math?

Japan Yes

I can't believe there are some people who fail at highschool level math.

Looking at you,humanity major brainlets

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I'm studying pure maths at college and I'm having a hard time, but that's what I love. Topology fucked me good on my first try, but I'm not giving up.

So no, I'm not good at it, but I'm working on it.

>humanity major brainlets
Seething mathcuck

t. never produced a worthwhile work of literature in human history

Gypsy studies would make you a homeless like them, brainlet.

All the distinguished philosophers are good at math. And philosophy books are infinitely superior to whatever you called literature??? Lmao Stay mad

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We have two Fields medalists now.

we too


Wasn't that just because she was dying of cancer?


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France has the same number of medals than the US with a smaller population, we shall be first.

all your fields medals should really belong to Israel, just like all of America's should belong to China.

Excuse me, who are you?

Maths is easy, its just logical rules. Once you memorise them you must be a retard not to be able to do it.

Writing fiction is a lot harder.



Nice try monkey-eater.

I thought he won it this year and it got stolen in Brazil right after.

Updated list. Germany smart.

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I hate maths and I'm shit at it

Why are French people so good at math?!?

russia strong

Hello isak ヽ(・ω・)/
Your name is not written, but...
You are isac, aren't you?


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I wonder how many of ex-soviet medal winners are nonjewish?

I can't remember anything about maths.
I even use the calculator for stuff like 8x13 or whatever when I have to a quick calculation at work.

I am honest to god a brainlet.

Anything > math

America and the Anglo win again
How can the subhumans even compete?

I was good at high school maths but I'm thick to do real maths so I'm doing computer science instead

Elite education for a selected few

it's more efficient to use the calculator than to do the actual math in your head so I wouldnt worry about it
let me give you a tip though, for weird numbers like 13, break it into easier chunks
8x10 is obviously 80, then you just need to do 8x3 and add them together

finnish winner is swedish speaking so we can steal

>Caucher Birkar

His name literally means "migrant mathematician" in Kurdish.

>hurr durr french educational system is retarded
What are you saying now?

>All the distinguished philosophers are good at math
Not really, a lot, yes. Not all, not even the majority

I firmly believe that all Japanese mathematicians are hentai tensai shoujos.

Unfortunately, no, I'm kinda ashamed. It's the only subject where I fail so badly.

about as relevant as you if you subtract the accomplishments of Jewish people


Kinda weird to not see chinks here.
I suck in math, but I good in chemistry, and as far as I remember chinks always be at least in top 5.
Also american team was always mostly chinks and indians.

I'd say I'm okay, I'm studying physics and you need a decent knowledge of maths to do physics.

Though I wouldn't say I'm great, I did a year of A-level maths and was okay at it except for calculus, which is fucking hell.