A map of every city in Europe
A map of every city in Europe
Sebastian Gonzalez
Evan Reyes
doesnt fit anywhere 500km around here
Jordan Lopez
You are including London in this, right?
Landon Harris
Looks like historical centre of Saint-Petersburg
Austin Phillips
amerimutt butt hurt over lack of culture in one picture
Kayden Stewart
Is Denmark even capable of posting anything that isn't tardrage about us
Asher Gutierrez
where is the mosque
Xavier Martin
>Michael Malachi Ray Rempen (M. Ray is shorter, isn't it?) is half American, half German, was born in Switzerland
Robert Clark
> WWII Memorial Avenue
> Living in a shithole that was dumb enough to be cucked in a world war
Nolan Howard
The walking street with dining and boutiques are never WW2 memorials though.