Tfw no mentally unbalanced Russian gf to photoshop me into gigachad

>tfw no mentally unbalanced Russian gf to photoshop me into gigachad

Attached: sleek n tears.png (1268x644, 780K)

She somehow turned his jacket into leather and took his hat off.

She must be one of the best Photoshoppers in the world.

No thanks I prefer looking human (which that guy doesn't)

fuck that some gud shoop

that's an elaborated way of telling him she hates his hat

so those greyscale pictures were fake?

doesn't surprise me
he looked deformed

Of course
I mean look at this

Attached: 1538924026676.jpg (591x1015, 79K)

who shopped it?
they are despite all bretty gud

Holy shit imagine actually looking like this and thinking you're hot shit
Even worse are the women that fall for these baboon-looking subhumans, no sane person whose ancestors didn't belong to the homo habilis branch for the past 300 years with any whatsoever refined sense for aesthetics would consider this beautiful, I'd openly refuse to look like this even if I were given the opportunity without effort, more so I think I'd kill myself if I were this disfigured, I'm genuinely interested in what kind of low test atrocities lurk this board if they find this an object of admiration


yep, ça va tout droit dans la compil grinçante

Kill yourself mednigger, you're probably not too far away from this orangutan and consider yourself manly because of it, I'd literally make fun of a person that looks like this even at the expense of getting murdered the very next moment

Butt hurt virgin lmao

Attached: gigachad.jpg (800x450, 30K)



Sure thing mutt, now go on admiring ottermode Nordic guys because girls prefer them over ugly ''''''''manly'''''''' ones


Keep crying disgusting ugly gymrat :D

Attached: 050c5db321b5ed376045be507fc25a81b165e0-wm.jpg (640x920, 69K)

the leather jacket photoshop is really good

"Gigachad" is actually her father, lol. Guy on the left is just one of the guys who helps her do photography work, that's why he was edited out, he is not part of the her art project, he stays behind the scenes.

>emocore in 2018
Lol faggot ass nigga, no wonder your weak people got genocided

Another low test sissy admiring this type of appearance because he knows shit about manliness, and it certainly isn't synonymous with being hideous

This is what women want, get to terms with it or keep praising your inability to ever be lean and aesthetic as ''manly'', you're not going to get much out of it

Attached: 1487461489450.jpg (524x585, 36K)

Stfu you cuck be more like TURKS and stop suckig up to faggot kuffar westerners

t. fat brown fuck munching on dates

Women want this not faggot otter mode you literal cuckold

Attached: 0DC69604-31FA-4921-8667-6B8066A9A0C8.png (750x1334, 1.46M)

Are those guys natural?

You should still lose some weight fatty because it's reducing your testosterone development

Only the one in the middle.

ok that's even weirder