Daily reminder that the axis will rise again!

Daily reminder that the axis will rise again!

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I hope not I’m Chinese

I really, really hate China
so if Japan feels like coming back to rape China again, go for it

Next time without Japan

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Name a more iconic trio I'll wait

Me, your mom, and your mom’s mom.

this tbqh
wish Italy and Austria-Hungary would've resolved their disputes, together we could've btfo the Entente

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Had Austria given us what we wanted, we would have probably joined on your side.

yeah, they should've ceded Trentino and maybe Trieste
but apparently the Italian military was largely anti-Austrian and when Italy joined, the ongoing Brusilov Offensive made it look like the Central Powers were just about to lose
I really think it would've been better for Europe had the Central Powers won WW1, and had Italy joined on our side in 1915, the war would've been decided much quicker, and to our favor