Be wypipo

>be wypipo
>surround 10 Dagestani men with 200 white people
>still get your ass kicked

White "men" everyone

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Well, Dagestan is the den of lions and the graveyard of Empires. I wouldn't expect less from a dagestani.

wypipo are cowardly trash

Lmao whites are literally too scared too approach

>surround your opponents
>still get floored by 10 sons of genghis

>don't drink
>fit and muscular
>endurance acquired by a hard life
>blessed by allah

>irish "men"
>bunch of drunk soyboys

it was clear who would win

This reminds me the great battle of Marseille

>mfw Allah is real

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Degistanis were packing AK 47s

all the potato niggers had were potato cannons

Literally every single young Chechen man in my city is training kickboxing and muay thai at the old local boxing/wrestling club.

These people are always prepared and ready for violence. They also seem to dislike the other Muslims here.

(I know Chechens are not Dagestanis but they're still a Muslim minority from Russian Caucasus)

Why are Chechens so powerful? Would one of them let me suck their dick?

who won the main fight?

lmao theyre actually too scared to do anything

Wtf if someone attacking me I kick his ass so fucking hard and I beat him up until he die

this is pathetic... ireland lost its prestige in one night. brits were right i guess.

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Imagine Israel being the Irish.

Imagine Hezbollah being the Dagestanis.

This video is basically how the 2006 Lebanon war went for a month.

>Irish and Chechens wiping eachother out


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Only the Irish are being wiped out.

>and I beat him up until he die

Regardez dehors, nous avons un mauvais cul ici.

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the irishman lost the degistani won

>p*tatoids KO'd on the first try
weak as fuck desu

I have some very right-wing friends. They have legitimate reasons to be concerned about immigration but it is going to be pathetic stuff like this that is going to start a race war.

We have chechens in denmark?

Same. Albanians do it too for some reason.

>le race war
Your friends are cringetarded

>we have X in a western country
The answer is always yes

This. Whitoids will disappera like the amerindians, into irrelevancy in their own ancestral lands. Also they will slowly by turned into a mutt race by foreign cocks, just like they did to the amerindians. The amerindian curse will bring the end of wh*tes

Yes. One of them died fighting on the Ukrainian side against Russian soldiers and separatists:

finns are white

Digging that alpha brown Harry Potter look

The fuck is wrong with people?

Amen, my finngol comrade, amen

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What's with the wetbacks shouting that ole/olay shit?

Say that to my face and not online and see what happens riley

bet those Dagostanis will go back to their homeland and spread word how the west is more barbaric than the virginboy pee egg eating Huns. lmfao

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Wow props to him for not joining ISIS kek. But seriously, had no idea. Do they dislike other kebabs? How are they compared to others? Are they like bosnians (integrated) or troublemakers?

Just like the fight, talk shit but no hit.
wypipo: 5 injuries
dagestanis: 0 injuries

White hands typed this post